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Please feel free to elaborate.
I had lunch with two guys from IDEX, RC from GEMZ and KP from EGYF during the investor summit. Was surprised to learn this was trading at a dime.
Thank you for taking the time to post the actual video!
Storm water, interesting.
Further positive news on Twitter and Youtube
Amended quarterly report filed today -
Let's hope shell risk removed soon
That Long term sustainable growth could be ramped up a notch soon.
Great points. One thing I would add to the Elementary school aspect is that other possibilities include a neighborhood/subdivision, apartment complex, office building, manufacturing center etc.
100% agree on the sector it occupies and being a real company. Much work to be done for sure. I also like the potential for long term sustainable growth metrics.
There's a few really positive things here! First, they are a real company that are really doing things. That's heads and shoulders above more than half of all OTC companies. Secondly they seem to have legitimate, intelligent, informed people in charge. That's better than 75% of OTC companies. Finally they have no convertible debt. That's better than probably 90% of the OTC companies. Include a great share structure, and sitting within a popular renewable energy industry, and you have to feel great about the company!!
On the downside, a microgrid for a elementary school isn't that 'sexy'. But I'd rather be in a legit company than one trying to 'fake it' in a fad OTC scheme. Also the Ebox (which I think is at the core of the company) doesn't sound fully developed yet. But I do love the progress, and am very hopeful moving forward.
EGYF is not growing in price at warp speed for sure right now. However, I like the base building plan and the outline for the future. I think the possibilities are excellent and like that they are looking at more than one revenue pathway. I will continue to be patient with this one.
Green Trades.
Excellent presentation. Thank you for posting the video. I was not able view the live session due to scheduling conflicts of mine. Really excited about the future pathway that is more clear than in the past.
Green Trades.
Great presentation giving a lot more details than I expected. And really good Q&A afterwards.
Yes, they are presenting today from 1:10-1:40pm ET.
Yes, and that is a solid conference with a good reputation IMO.
Not to mention that there are some very solid presenters IMO.
Yep, pretty free with opinions, I am.
That would be nice. I know they're busy with the summit this week and the conference next week. I believe Mohammed Z. will be at next weeks conference too.
I really sense they're working hard to move things along. Not your typical OTC stock. These guys are making progress.
Would be great if we could get some feedback. Any prospects for a company update or shareholder meeting ......
Energy Finders presented at Sequire Investor Summit this week in Puerto Rico -
LOL, you beat me again. Great info. There are many questions to be answered that will be coming in the future IMO.
Someone or more than 1 is sweeping up shares today it appears.
Energy Finders update:
QB up list by June with BOD?
Revenue model !!!
Getting the shell status removed is all in the hands of OTCMarkets. If you go to OTCM website and look up EGYF it gives the date received as 1/18/2024.
Here is a link to the under construction website.
No date is given. Give them your name and email address and they will let you know when it is up and running.
How long does it take to put up a new website and get shell status changed ?
Man we been talking bout Dat happening for over 2 years.
Hopefully they are looking to release alot of info and get us in the dollar range.
another positive step, shell removal should pave the way to uplist to QB with improved visibility and liquidity, something EGYF have stated in the recent past
Hopefully, this is sufficient to get shell risk label removed.
I might have to sell some pix and grab more here.
LOL, been shoveling snow all morning so I am late to posting any news. Thank you. Green Wishes.
Well said. It is an entire system of upgraded efficiency rather than relying only on panel efficiency.
The scaling possibilities are limitless. Besides battery storage capacity I am sure they will be looking at other options to produce/use energy when solar exposure is reduced or limited by cloud cover, storm, nighttime etc.
Will the nano-senor to panel concept work to some level with ambient light? Supplement with wind power etc? This is just the beginning of potentially disruptive innovation in the energy arena.
Think of the relative security that comes from having a micro-grid near you instead of relying on one that is now archaic and covers an entire city state or region.
Green Trades to all.
MGO 51 thanks for your great post. Feel free to increase such thoughtful posts. 😃
EGYF is not nor will it be in the panel business. They will be using the best panels available. The efficiency comes from the ebox concept which protects the panels from degradation due to weather, exposure to dust etc. Higher efficiency also comes from bouncing the light that comes into the ebox from the nano-sensors off the interior of the box and other panels thus increasing the % of usable solar energy. The ebox action will create greater efficiency from what ever the current and future most efficient panels are capable of.
Hope that made sense. This is my understanding from the information currently available. Anyone who invests in EGYF should do validating due diligence.
Yeah I'll have to read up on it more. It's confusing to me but I'm still here as an ignorant investor who buys a bunch of company's stock and hopes one or 2 hits it big.
Ebox is not solely about the improvement of solar panels. Please take a moment to watch the video. It centers around the light collection device on the roof, capturing light and processing it in the ebox through the use of fiber optics, AI, algorithms, and refraction. Instead of installing solar panels on your roof, envision a cabinet in your garage where thin film dual-sided solar panels are multiplied, resulting in significantly more efficient energy production. Your roof transforms into a microgrid. Upon scaling, you achieve a mini grid, similar to the one being developed in Maryland. It's groundbreaking—literally!
What ever today's solar panels are capable of supplying.
I'm under the impression Egyf's panels put out substantially more power being a fraction of the size of the standard, which is the benefit.
What are you using as the standard to be compared to?
The micro grid I believe I get, but doesn't it come down to this e box and the voltage and current capabilities compared to the standard?
I would also like to see a higher news flow rate. I also want news that is not fluff and if it takes longer for meaningful news I personally am ok with that.
I really think we should be hearing something on the site preparation fairly soon. That would also depend on weather. Not sure if these East Coast storms are impacting the Maryland site. My preference when news starts rolling is that it is sustainable and not isolated small islands of verbiage.
I think it possible EGYF is finally progressed to the point where steps on the path are not only going to be more clear, but those steps will be in motion. I think we will know fairly soon if this pilot grid plant is that beginning. I definitely want to see the shareholder investment de-risking that comes with company progress.
Green Trades
Citrati, with this EGYF update...
This is a solid EGYF update. I think investors are wanting to see something major PR-ed through hitting the wires like what all we who are pro EGYF believe to be coming! Again, the update is solid:
I wouldn't say there has been no news. They PR'd they had acquired a site to install a micro-grid in Maryland and are in the process of site preparation for the pilot site.There are even pictures. The update was Dec 22 2023.
Buying and selling is what creates liquidity so do what you need to.
Please tell me this is not your first post here?
Did you here about the book Gold River by We P. Freely
I wouldn't say there has been no news. They PR'd they had acquired a site to install a micro-grid in Maryland and are in the process of site preparation for the pilot site.There are even pictures. The update was Dec 22 2023.
Buying and selling is what creates liquidity so do what you need to.
No news over a year I’m going to be doing the same on the next bump up nothing is happening same Mohammed bs as usual
Kinda odd that they didn't sell 2 weeks ago for the tax loss. Unless they're long time holders like myself and it was a profitable trade. Shame they couldn't wait a little longer. I believe we're on the cusp of very good things. Finally.
Yeah, weak hands moving on and buyers sweeping them up. I am at my limit or I would do some floor sweeping too.
In fairness, it has been a long wait so I get it. I also realize that night is darkest right before sunrise so I will continue waiting for the sun to shine and heat up the earth/stock.
Someone was in a hurry to dump 300k+ shares this morning. Oof. Wish I had some free capital to pick up some cheapies.