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$0 sales last quarter. What does that tell you?
That clown posts links to a twitter post like it means anything anymore. ENDV is a penny stock scam.
When is ENDV going to release a PR about their spinoff and Telehealth status? They have missed their targeted timelines.
Yes all $48 bucks worth. Oh that poor nude mouse.
Strange that ENDV is showing some volume before market open. 🤨
This isn't a company, this is a scam
I called you out for being a Paid Cheerleader and you denied it, while having received 3,500,000 shares of stock.
I also called you out for spreading lies and misinforming people about this contraption. Among the lies is that the device works and is "FDA Approved." This device is FDA Cleared not Approved and in recent studies it, specifically the Rhodes study, was basically the same as a placebo.
This device has not been shown to be effective in large human studies and was cleared by the FDA based on a resubmitted 510(k) arguing that the device was "substantial equivalent" to a device that was already legally marketed before the FDA started regulating medical devices.
You are either ignorant and severely misinformed or you are spreading lies. I have on numerous occasions stated that this device is not FDA Approved yet you keep spreading the lie that it is despite the evidence to the contrary. If the contraption were FDA approved then it would have the clinical trials to show its effectiveness and it would have sales.
The main difference between FDA clearance and FDA approval is the level of regulatory scrutiny and the types of evidence required:
FDA approval
A higher standard that involves extensive research, clinical trials, and documentation of safety, efficacy, and manufacturing processes. The FDA decides that the benefits of the product outweigh the known risks.
FDA clearance
A lower standard that involves demonstrating that the product is "substantially equivalent" to another similar legally marketed device that has already been approved. Specific testing on FDA cleared products may be absent or minimal.
The FDA uses two distinct regulatory procedures for approval and clearance:
Manufacturers must submit a Premarket Approval (PMA) application that contains results from clinical investigations.
Manufacturers can submit a Premarket Notification (also called a 510(k)) to the FDA.
Zero point in talking with you. This clearly wasn't investment advice in any manner. It was said to "support the relaunch of the device and get it to people it helps" i did and do stand by this statement. In fact I say it again- this device WORKS it is approved by the fda and has recent clinical studies showing it has many other uses as well. It is in use in multiple VA facilities and the company is still in the process of selling this to Ira and a new company which if completed is great for the device and shareholders.
I am a loyal supporter of this device and company and not being compensated by ENDV in any manner.
I think more will be made clear on the device and ENDV's future at some point in the future. Until then I remain a supporter.
Funny that the account you use to post your "opinions" is also the name of the company that was paid 3,500,000 shares.
Your own words on January 13, 2023 Post # 32689:
With so much coming from the company the bears are in full scramble mode to bash this ticker now. Since they can’t say the product doesn’t work and the new management coming on in Mr Kann and Ira are both highly respected in their fields it’s seems important to build a false rhetoric around what caused the previous launch to fail so they can hold this down longer.
It’s in the best interest of all past and future shareholders as well as the community at larger to support the relaunch of this product, get it to the people who it can HELP and return value to shareholders.
Thank you
All my posts are my own opinion- it's in my socials bio
If you actually followed my account I post about hundreds of different stocks almost none of which we have ever had any contact with because this is a personal account and I invest widely and never buy or sell any shares of a company the company has a contract with.
I'm still here little buddy still talking ENDV still not compensated nor ever compensated for posting.
Sofpulse and ENDV I still believe have a big future.
No, Jeff Lien, aka PennyStockSnipers, aka Cornerstone Marketing is a penny stock promoter that shows up on penny stock boards, Discord and other platforms to pump stocks he is compensated for without disclosing that fact.
You showed up here in December of 2022 as PennyStockSnipers to pump this stock when it was trading sub penny and had very little volume. You not only probably bought shares sub penny before you started pumping the stock, but you also received 3,500,000 shares of common stock on 1/03/23. Convenient how you didn't mention that fact in your little DD package. In fact you outright denied it numerous times when you were called out for it. You can call yourself whatever you want but the truth is you pumped this stock.
Your own words on December 14, 2022 - Post # 32627
Funny how the bears run away as this continues to shine. Company is starting to slowly come out of a forced closure due to the pandemic. Let’s see what they have planned… I bet it’s HUGE based on what we’ve seen so far. Headed back to NASDAQ
Cornerstone Marketing is a website and social media management company.
We are NOT paid to promote stocks from our personal/company accounts in any manner. Our contracts are specific to management of company accounts and/or introduction to actual influencers who would then have to disclose payment for promotion.
We do NOT have any contract with ENDV nor have had for almost a year but still post about them.
Why? Same reason we posted from our account in the past. We like the company and the asset Sofpulse.
Everyone is entitled to his or her personal opinion and my posts reflect that.
Clearly you are bearish and that's fine as well.
BUYER BEWARE: Jeff Lien aka Cornerstone Marketing is a paid stock promoter that doesn't disclose he is getting paid by the companies he is promoting.
ENDV granted Jeff Lien of Cornerstone Marketing, aka PennyStockSnipers, 3,500,000 shares of common stock on 1/03/23 just before he magically appeared on this and other penny stock boards promoting the stock. A fact that Jeff Lien never disclosed when promoting the stock, which may be illegal. Anyone that bought on the advice of Jeff Lien, aka Cornerstone Marketing, aka PennyStockSnipers and lost money should look to sue him and report him to the SEC.
Craig Please post this as a sticky. Potential investors must be aware of who this person is and what his motivation is behind pushing this stock.
lmfao what a complete and utter scam, has been since day 1
BUYER BEWARE: New ENDV Target Stock Price is $0.0004 See Below:
On June 11, 2024 ENDV issued 19,807,975 shares of common stock at a price of $0.0004 to Trillium Partners, LP for the conversion of $7,923 in debt. The closing stock price on 6/11/24 was $0.0008 per share, thus the conversion was at a 50% discount to the closing price.
This conversion was preceded by the issuance of 25,875,613 shares of common stock at a price of $0.0008 to Trillium Partners, LP for the conversion of $20,700 in debt. The conversion was done on 5/15/24 when the closing price of the common stock was $0.0016 per share, thus the conversion was at a 50% discount to the closing price. Since that conversion the price has been driven down 50% to the price of the conversion at $0.0008 per share.
Therefore the volume that has been generated has been through the selling of the highly discounted conversion shares into the market. This means that the stock price will be driven down as long as they can get $0.0004 per share. An informed investor would thus not buy below the conversion price since there is a shareholder with a lower cost basis that is motivated to sell shares.
These conversions are being outlined in the quarterly reports submitted to the SEC. The good thing about these idiots being delisted from the OTCQB down to the pink sheets is that they now have to disclose their stock issuances, broken down in detail including the date, number of shares, the name of the person being issued shares and the price at which the shares are issued.
This has not only revealed the conversion of debt at steep discounts but also highlighted that Alan Collier, the CEO and sole Board Member has gifted himself over 45 million shares via his consulting firm Blue Ridge Consulting. This is of course a reward for diluting all of his investors following a 1-for-1,000 reverse split followed by the issuance of over 350,000,000 shares resulting in investors losing over 99.99% of their investments. So while his investors were completely wiped out, Alan Collier increased his ownership stake in ENDV.
Furthermore, upon a more detailed review, the quarterly report also states that ENDV granted Jeff Lien of Cornerstone Marketing, aka PennyStockSnipers, 3,500,000 shares of common stock on 1/03/23 just before he magically appeared on this and other penny stock boards promoting the stock. A fact that Jeff Lien never disclosed when promoting the stock, which may be illegal. Anyone that bought on the advice of Jeff Lien, aka Cornerstone Marketing, aka PennyStockSnipers and lost money should look to sue him and report him to the SEC.
Craig, please highlight this post as a sticky, it is too important for potential new investors to be informed of what they are getting themselves into. If they read this and decide to still buy then that is on them, after all these penny stocks are Caveat Emptor.
Good catch. I assumed it was a true quarterly ER and did not notice it was YTD.
I also noticed a "consultant" has a lawsuit against ENDV for non payment. I tried searching for who it can be and cannot find anything about it.
They had ZERO revenue in Q3 and Negative $330 in Cash.
The numbers are for the nine months ending September 30. If you compare the numbers from the last report they are the same for both revenue and COGS.
Period ending 6/30 Revenue: $10,043 and COGS: $6,709 Gross Profit: $3,335
Period ending 9/30 Revenue: $10,043 and COGS: $6,709 Gross Profit: $3,335 EXACTLY THE SAME NUMBERS WHIICH MEANS NO REVENUE! They did not sell a single contraption in the last 3 months.
ENDV has virtually no assets and nearly $20 million in very real liabilities. Furthermore, their contraption has not been shown to be effective in large double-blind randomized and controlled clinical trials necessary to receive reimbursement and/or justify the cost in surgery.
It has been two years since they announced their proposed spin off yet no real progress has been made. My guess is that their new guy Ira cannot get the financing to take this POS into a NASDAQ company. This company's only avenue is bankruptcy court to rid itself or fundamentally restructure its debt. The company cannot repay $7 million in debt along with another $5.6 million in accrued interest no matter what financing scheme they purport to have brewed up. It is difficult to see what value they got for $7 million in debt they put on the company besides Collier paying himself and his cronies bloated salaries. You could build a very successful company with that amount and yet these idiots have only every driven down the value of the company and its assets.
Q3 ER released.
$10k revenue with operating expenses of $1.2 Million. 😯.
Evermed was supposed to bring in $50K of revenue per the 8K.
Thanks for all the info!
I think all the Assisi Loop clinical data is from Endonovo. I don't think ZoMedica has done any new clinicals since buying the Assisi Loop.
The Assissi Loop references to many Sofpulse clinicals in the past years due to being the same technology. The only difference they have is that the Assissi Loop has a thicker rubber covering over the loop. Is more sturdy for use with animals. I believe Assissi has done their own clinicals also but I do not have any of that specific info at the current time.
I do not have the links to the old clinicals anymore. Lost that info with my old phone.
I'm sure Rhode and Rohde are the same person. Appears to be an easy misspelling.
Yes, I agree. Most definitely the clinical trials have been way too small.
Were all those referenced clinicals done using the Assisi Loop?
Don't suppose you have links to these clinical trials, especially "Strauch et al 2006?"
Also, is Rohde and Rhode the same person, with the name spelled differently? Kind of looks that way.
FYI, I think these tPEMF clinicals are all skewed by underpowered clinical trials (small sample sizes) and that's why the FDA clears the devices but the insurance companies remain skeptical.
If you look at the document in this link, you will see Rohde had studied the Sofpulse in 2010/2012 and had positive results. Interesting how the more recent study showed no factor of improvement.
I have talked to people that swear by the technology and it's usefulness and/or effectiveness. Unfortunately, the scientific studies are mixed across the board and this is why the insurance companies do not support the cost.
The original Sofpulse, with the wired loops to a machine, were used for treating diabetic sores many years ago with the past ownership.
PEMF continues to be studied by new groups of doctors and scientists.
There is a private company using a device/technology very similar to Sofpulse for the treatment of Alzheimer's. Will be interesting to see the results of that study when completed.
I spoke to a Dr. (years ago) that was convinced PEMF treatments most definitely assist with treating Alzheimer's. He just never did any true scientific studies and he was using a different PEMF device.
Interesting. I couldn't find that Christine Rhode study at first, but then I figured out that it's Rohde, not Rhode. Christine RHODE returns a lot of results! What an odd coincidence.
Anyway I see that the NCT number is NCT03360214
Underpowered trial. Results make it look like the PEMF placebo group had less pain than the Active PEMF group.
Same thing happened to Ilfeld in his ActiPatch opioid study. Underpowered trial. Results make it look like the PEMF placebo group had less pain than the Active PEMF group.
Disclaimer: I'm not buying BIEL or ENDV. I just like doing the DD.
ENDV misses all timelines. Is best not to have any expectations and continue to be disappointed. The Abrams orthopedic study has been postponed and delayed multiple times.
A study, not sponsored by ENDV, but using the Sofpulse by Christine Rhode, produced no noticeable advantages of using Sofpulse after mastectomy procedure.
Ilfeld's study might be the last saving spark ENDV needs to stay alive.
Curious as to why nobody is talking about Dr. Ilfeld's SofPulse clinical trial and its possible relation to the NOPAIN Act. Maybe it's because everyone here is BEARISH so there's nobody saying anything positive? I can certainly understand that if it's the case.
The NOPAIN Act was kind of all the BIEL shareholders talked about for months, although they are quiet about it now.
Here's Ilfeld's SofPulse trial. It just finished on Oct. 20th -- expecting results by the end of the year.
Endonovo management has not done anything illegal and that is the reason they have not been thrown in jail.
Unfortunately most investors do not understand real-world-investing. Especially penny-stock-investing.
For a legal case to be brought up against Alan Collier the government must show what Collier did illegal. I do not see anything illegal. I see immoral acts by Collier. I see stupid acts by Collier. I see mistakes by Collier, nut I do not see illegal.
Q3 has ended and the roadmap catalysts for Q1, Q2, and Q3 have not happened.
Just saying.
Have these con artists been thrown into jail yet?
September 19, 2024
In the Matter of
Endonovo Therapeutics, Inc. 6320 Canoga Avenue, 15th Floor Woodland Hills, CA 91367
File No: 024-11805
Endonovo Therapeutics, Inc. filed with the Commission an offering statement to qualify an offering of securities under Section 3(b) of the Securities Act of 1933. The offering statement has been on file for more than nine months and has not yet been qualified.
In view of the foregoing, it is ORDERED that the offering statement be declared abandoned on September 19, 2024.
For the Commission, by the Division of Corporation Finance, pursuant to delegated authority.
We are in the last month of Q3 and the Q1 and Q2 catalysts have not come to fruition.
Q3 roadmap shows the spin-off of medical device assets and IP to Sofpulse is supposed to happen.
I'm the Jackie in that cited post. Want to have a private conversation with you. This site won't let me send you a private message without joining. Can you send me a private message so we can set up a time to talk? I have info that isn't public but there should definitely be a bigger expose on the duo of Collier & Kann.
Q2 Earnings Report has been released.
$10k of revenue for Q2.
Evermed was supposed to have a target of $25k per the 8K.
Don Calabria is not keeping up with his end of the published sales to Costa Rica and Mexico either.
I sure don't miss the days of trading the OTC, scams all over the place and this is one's at the top
Today's volume was the result of a tweet.
Only said "Future NASDAQ IPO coming".
No timeframe or details.
Feel sorry for those that bought at .0016, 17, 18 and get immediately dumped on to close at .0010. 😯.
Roadmap update.
Q2 was supposed to complete the Reg A with raising $5 million.
Website updates were supposed to be completed.
Telehealth division was supposed to be launched.
Anyone see any updates regarding any of those catalysts? Didn't think so.
Just checked in, yep, still a pile of steaming shit