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I agree with most of what you say,but it hasnt transferred to stock going up. Tanya needs to be replaced with a science guy that is recognized in industry. Im shocked borad has let her run stock down from over dollar to 12c. Any other head would be let go. Plus her relationship with paulson is murky.
Personally I like the company now more than ever before. CEO Jay has done a remarkable job in everyone's view thus far. The FDA now has our back and not our ass in a ringer. Newbies that read the studies will learn of some great possibilities with leronlimab. It seems to be super safe too which has already been proven.
So as the future looks to reveal the attributes of leronlimab, I will be adding more and more. We have what appears to be a great future drug company in the making IMO, having weathered growing pains and obstacles... all man-made. Especially in two weeks with a changing of the guard at all levels of the health system, we should expect a good year to ensue as the trials move forward. $CYDY$
"The mechanism of action (“MOA”) of leronlimab has the potential to modulate the movement of T-cells to inflammatory sites, which could be beneficial by diminishing overactive inflammatory responses. Leronlimab is a unique humanized monoclonal antibody. Leronlimab binds to the second extracellular loop and N-terminus of the CCR5 receptor, and due to its selectivity and target-specific mechanism of action, it does not appear to activate the immune function of the CCR5 receptor through agonist activity. This apparent target specificity differentiates leronlimab from other CCR5 antagonists. Leronlimab is a competitive rather than allosteric inhibitor of the CCR5 receptor."
From MGK_2 at Reddit:
The GenoType of Leronlimab Leads to the PhenoType of the Leronlimab Disease Pattern
Yet I think any reasonable investor should be VERY careful to not confuse Cytodyn PRs with facts.
And be VERY careful with censorship. The Cytodyn pumpers on other message boards (hangout) censor pretty much anybody who disagrees with them or raises factual questions that put in doubt the -99% investment thesis (awesome performance by the way!).
A good investment starts with facts not being censored, whether they are good or bad, and I will be careful about that.
Some might even appreciate the opportunity presented in part due to NP's behavior.
That is some MAJOR spin right there
Facts are facts and shouldn't be hidden--ODD you like Livimmune etc where they post NOT FACTS about Tony C being the CEO and Dr Pestell being the CEO --THEN when someone points out the LIEs --you and wax et al want the person posting FACT banned
So you promote Livimmune which supports LIEs and fantasy and bans honest posts--yet HERE you state FACTS should NOT be hidden
Hard to keep it all straight
Hopefully the plan is not to turn this board into Livimmune or Inv Hang with those frauds
Facts are facts and shouldn't be hidden. Some might even appreciate the opportunity presented in part due to NP's behavior. You can "warn any newbies" all you want but I think new investors will be much more interested in current events moving forward.
First off, its pretty well known Charlie Sheen left 2 1/2 Men left right before the royalties kick in, and that's why Ashton Kutcher took the job( I happen to know one of the writers). ,but nonetheless..
what I don't understand is how you can have a stock board where you can make any erroneous claim anyone wishes as long as its positive, and it is acceptable. However, if you state anything negative, even with facts, you have to justify your being there.
Personally, I have no problem with you being here and/or losing your money. My goal is to warn any newbies that not everyone here is being honest and they should have both sides of the story. You see, while you may have blue chip stocks, I doubt most on IHUB do and many here are naive.
Don't you feel its important that any newbie know the last CEO was found guilty of fraud, and some of the posters here have vouched for him?
Like it or not Charlie used leronlimab with great success.
As far as celebrities go, Charlie has a incredible career. I'd be thrilled to have the royalty payments alone.
At these prices you are paying for what you have gotten. No argument there. Of course that isn't the point. Stocks are purchased with the expectation of price appreciation in the future. I have a bunch of blue chip dividend paying stocks. If I or anyone else wants to buy a 12 cent speculative stock that may take time to bear fruit or not , why should anyone have a problem with them doing so.
Wasn't he also taking tiger's blood?
Wasn't he also taking tiger's blood?
That's huge ... And I apologize I saw a small clip of him talking about it, and I thought it was more recent than it was
He was and seemed to have good results. That was a good while back. Your post suggests he is currently taking the drug. What makes you think he is still on leronlimab? BTW, leronlimab.has been used on 1200 plus patients as of now.
Charlie sheen is taking pro 140 as a guinea pig for this company
Many former traders here are posting and in other sites now. Reminds me of what we once had.
Well, any newbies need to look and research everywhere leaving no stones unturned to reach
the best possible knowledge of leronlimab and the relativley new CytoDyn team. The relationship with FDA for various reasons has been nothing but good ever since Dr. J agreed to take the helm. This new year will see his efforts and that of the new team pay off.
I see the entry coming as well into the field of auto immunity since leronlimab has the secondary attribute of also aiding the immune system in it's repair. This is a fast growing area of huge potential. I expect we hear more updates tout suite on the trials getting underway. In addition, we have new leadership coming into the fed agencies we deal with like the FDA/CDC/NIH and I expect
some DARPA assistance is very likely given the growing recognition of a safe and looking effective Leronlimab.
So a big Happy New Year for all longs who have not lost sight of where our destiny is bound. And thanks again for the cheapies to all that sold either long or short. You made my December a sweet one to remember. Party hearty but keep it out of the ditches!!
$$$CYDY$$$ 2024-2025 Happy New Year CytoDyn
Very long but interesting post from another board. Grab a drink and take a load off:
With 3 other drugs that they have already progressed with lol what a stupid study
The official answer is at clinical trials . gov.
Trial NCT06699836
It is a PH II with est start FEB 2025
est finish JUN 2028
60 patients. Last update 21 NOV 2024
This is an open label, randomized, two arm, multi-center study to explore the effect of leronlimab on the overall response rate/ overall survival and safety and tolerability when used in combination with trifluridine and tipiracil + bevacizumab in patients with CCR5+, MSS, mCRC who have progressed on prior treatment before participating in the study.
I am asking again. When do cancer trials start? Where are they being done? How many patients in trial?
One of the COVID Crackpots.
Time cures all heels and heals all cures.
Even local California news sources are printing the truth finally, and not just alternative media.
Our time with leronlimab approaches.
CytoDyn's famous attacker Adam FuherStinknStein at it again over at Galactin but longs are piling on. Like with CytoDyn he presents no facts or viable research. Will they route the pig? Take it away Mike Sheikh. Perhaps the FDA Office of Criminal Investigations will support Mike Sheikh in exchange for his support in the Nada case. Who knows what goes on in the smoky back rooms. Did those FDA miscreants get a hand slap for bad mouthing? Did any 13 D's get involved with short Adam? What a world hey?
This will be fun to watch and join on... I pledge all winnings to buy more CytoDyn. This should be fun. Do your own DD. Meanwhile Dr. Jay is fully focused in make-ready mode for the new year. 2025 will be exciting as trials get going along with more research papers reaching publication. Will a partnership arrive in Q1???
Recent Letter To Shareholders
"I believe our current strategy will result in significant value return to the Company and its shareholders and should give us the opportunity to do so on an abbreviated timeline. We are on good terms with the FDA, we have the funds required to pursue our key development objectives and we have the requisite expertise and associations to execute on our vision. Entering 2025, the Company is in control of its own destiny."
I say Make Leronlimab Great Again
$CYDY$ looking good for 2025
Found on another site:
Leronmilab is among the category of drugs submitted to the Recover program. Next review is going to be in mid January
So surprised you still get shit wrong and your 13 D buddies trying to reassert themselves as correct when no one then and no one now believes your creations of right and wrong. Keep twisting though and thanks again for the cheapies. Bought a bunch more this month. 2024 has been good, and 2025 is going to bust loose if you have been following the updates from the company. Good Job Dr. Jay. $$$CYDY$$$ Come on 2025.
Sure hope to get some more should it dip lower, but look how all month it has held during extreme tax selling. I would say the bottom is in and we graduate slowly over the next few months barring any blockbuster news like a partnership then Katie bar the door and don't let the shorts out unless the want to pay the price of the cover charge exit ticket. I am thinking some shorts have gone long now. Time shortly will tell. Tik Tok still ticking!
Insiders accumulate in advance....that's the point. The news that is out there (or forthcoming) so far hasn't impressed anyone.
See that's where your rants and rambles always get off the rails. I haven't "lied", I am not a "phony", I am not a "fraud" (which you've claimed before), nor am I posting under any ulterior motives. I am just a person following a ticker I have invested in.
Your problems are A) you are UNHINGED and need help in dealing with this PTSD the stock has caused you, B) you apparently don't even know who the people are on whom you're trying to take out your MISPLACED anger, and C) you only narrowly see in what you THINK is binary right and wrong where someone either agrees with you or must kick puppies.
You act like the maybe hundreds of people on this board or any board resulted in this outcome. News flash, none of these boards are that important.
You should stop poisoning every post you make with toxic drivel. I understand I can put you on ignore, but it's something I've never done. If you can't step off your hate ledge, you'll definitely be the first because your constant attacking is ridiculous.
Regarding one of leronlimab's possible indications:
The American Cancer Society has published its Advances in Oncology – 2024 Research Highlights, underscoring major strides in cancer research and ongoing innovation. However, the optimism is tempered by a troubling finding: a significant global rise in early-onset colorectal cancer cases.
Additionally, the American Cancer Society has spotlighted an alarming rise in cancer incidence and mortality among younger age groups. Analysts at Exactitude Consultancy anticipate that the global Cancer Immunotherapy Market will expand at a robust 12.84% CAGR, reaching $258.22 billion by 2031*—a clear indicator of oncology's rapid growth and critical importance.*
If by "proverbial" you mean calling out fraud and posters here that support fraud
By calling out lies and posters here that support those lies
By not supporting 3X felons as CEO and fraud board of directors
By wanting LL in RCT run by legit CRO instead of company conducting kickback fraud to enrich 2 persian frauds
By pointing out each phony poster (such as you) that lied about 13D--that lied about SEC and DOJ investigations--that support lies against Dr Patterson or Pestell --phony posters that support cheating Samsung or Sharp or Quest or InCellDX
Then yes--that will be proverbial
If that enlightenment removes any and all/the likes of you--that support fraud and felons--that support posters that post lies --I will gladly be the proverbial villain in your story
Come on, be like the two celebs that kept their word and moved on. Shoo
Is this the proverbial you? lol.
Why would you care what naysayers would say?? Why show up?? Why defend nodder??
Is a naysayer that is 100% correct about nodder fraud really a naysayer?? Or facts have zero to do with your opinion EVER??
Is naysayer a post about ZERO partnerships lined up --while you laud posts about many partnerships lined up just waiting for hold to be lifted??
Naysayers calls bullcrap on 100million $$ from amawrecks lawsuit--any FACTS EVER??
Naysayers talk about SEC and DOJ investigations into nodder--and YOU et al call bullcrap and yell about bash/naysay/shorts and LIE about investigations being about 13D and nothing to do with nodder. Facts EVER??
Maybe just very different yardstick as to naysayers and truth tellers
I appreciate your comment about the lack of upwards movement here but…I think that concern would be more valid after the next couple of news items come out after the first of the year and there’s still no PPS appreciation.
The trading IS the a market where AI stocks are going up 200% per day, any real news would make this penny stock leap in price....and yet it isn't. So, what does this tell you?
The only thing I've seen here are a few of the posters pushing a pump, then disappearing again along with the dump.
To show any REAL strength, this would need to be a 42 cent stock currently and it isn't. The last real volume on this was on 5/31/24. Go look at what the stock price did on that day.
I've never understood how an "investor" can watch their "investment" drop week after week and never get angry about it. Especially when every other stock is rocketing.
I would expect it could be enrollment confirmation for initiatives projected to start in Q1.
This post is worth reposting:
Anyone want to speculate on what the next CYDY announcement may be regarding and when it could be released?
Since its inception, IH has had an IH problem because it is the problem. It's unfortunate one has to grace this dumpster to at least be able to see what the naysayers are saying.
I sent 2 requests wirh no response so far. I'm not sure if IH has a staffing problem or what.