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Madeoff isnt in the limelight anymore, the golden years for him have taken a unimaginable turn into the twilight zone...
he must be getting his
what would be JD's worst fear, convicted of what!?, sending me where????
1st night on the block will have him questioning his decisions
they make GOOD use of Silver Tongued Devils like him
LOL yep... all this fraud is getting so far out of control we dont even hear half the shit. I wouldnt put foul play past dimon if he is backed in a corner in discovery... That Fucked up Puss...
lol Ohhhhhhhh like Jimmy Hoffa disappear you mean..
some how I get d annoys you
you mean like float into orbit, lol
d indian is a royal idiot, lol
That shit is so deep people might disapear...
Its a conspiracy I tell ya
UIF Website :
I will post another message here once the problems have been corrected.
Those who registered recently aren't able to log in right now.
As Fat Bastard said "that plus crap"
glad to hear it, lol
lol, ewwwwwww you REALLY want to know?
Should I send him a letter asking him how it tastes?
I hope he enjoyed the good life while he had it in his grasp, cause "change is a comin"
just saw that! bout time heads started rolling
SEC charges former Countrywide CEO Mozilo with fraud and insider trading:
Mean Street: Hank Paulson, National Hero
In case anyone wants to just listen on their PC, or put it on their iPod, sidedraft made an mp3 of the interview:
2nd UPDATE: SEC, NY AG Finalize ARS Settlements With Firms
JUNE 3, 2009, 3:54 P.M. ET
" By Sarah N. Lynch
Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--Bank of America (BAC), Royal Bank of Canada's RBC Capital Markets (RY) and Deutsche Bank (DB) on Wednesday settled civil charges filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Attorney General's office, which accused them of misleading investors of the risks associated with auction-rate securities.
Without admitting or denying the charges, the three firms will provide nearly $6.7 billion to 9,600 customers who invested in auction-rate securities before the market froze in February 2008.
These are the latest settlements in the SEC's wide-ranging auction securities case. Three other settlements were also completed with Wachovia, Citigroup and UBS AG. Meanwhile, the SEC announced a preliminary settlement with Merrill Lynch last August, but a final settlement hasn't yet been reached.
"Through these latest settlements and prior ARS settlements with other firms entered into by the commission, more than $50 billion in liquidity is being made available to tens of thousands of customers so they can get back all of the money they invested in auction rate securities," said Scott Friestad, Deputy Director of the SEC's Division of Enforcement.
Preliminary settlements with Bank of America and RBC were first announced in October last year, but Wednesday's announcement represented final agreements with the firms.
According to the SEC's complaint, which was filed in federal court in New York City, the three firms led investors to believe that auction rate securities were safe and liquid investments that were comparable to money markets.
They made these claims, the SEC alleged, while knowing that their ability to support auctions by purchasing more auction rate securities had been reduced with the stress of the growing credit crisis.
When the banks stopped supporting the auction-rate securities market in February last year, customers were left holding billions in illiquid auction-rate securities.
Under the terms of the settlements, which still await court approval, Bank of America customers will have $4.5 billion of liquidity restored. RBC customers, meanwhile, will have $800 million in liquidity restored and Deutsche Bank customers will have $1.3 billion in restored liquidity.
Each firm will offer to purchase auction-rate securities from individuals, charities and other businesses that purchased the securities even if those customers have since moved accounts.
They also must work to provide liquidity solutions for institutional investors and other customers. In addition, they must pay eligible customers who sold their auction-rate securities below par the difference between the sale price and par.
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's office finalized deals with Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and Morgan Stanley (MS). In total, 11 firms that the office has reached agreement with have bought back $61 billion of ARS from investors. Citigroup Inc. and UBS AG in December finalized their deals with both the SEC and Cuomo's office. All the companies still need to provide liquidity to the ARS market.
Cuomo said Wednesday his investigation into the sale of ARS by other companies continues.
-By Sarah N. Lynch, Dow Jones Newswires; 202-862-6634; "
The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One
Great interview!
from the wampq board;
Found this from another poster on wamu. Parts 2 and 3 are very interesting. start about 40:00 mins
this thing has been worse than the time our favorite Boy Toy CEO stuck Little Dimon in a pencil sharpener "on a lark."
Portugese Authorities Investigating $50 Billion Scam On JP Morgan Chase
"John Carney from Clusterstock
A Portuguese website reports that authorities are investigating an attempted transfer of 50 billion dollars (36.6 billion euros) from JP Morgan Chase in what might where result would be the biggest fraud ever, rivaling the Ponzi scheme of Bernard Madoff.
According to the webste, Publico, the scam transfer was attempted by an unidentified woman, who presented a bank in Lisbon with an interbank contract for the transfer of 36.4 million euros.
Here (via a Google translation) is the report from Publico:
The Financial Information Unit of the Judicial Police (PJ) is also aware of the process.Official source of the prosecutor told the Lusa that “the Central Department of Investigation and Penal Action (DCIAP) is to collect information on the matter.”
The Bank of Canada is also investigating the case, according to official sources, which indicated that the process followed for the department of supervision “of the institution led by Vitor Constâncio, confirming also that the way the case is similar to other attempts at fraud detected by the authorities in Portugal.
Contacted by Lusa, PJ’s official source said, however, “is not considered appropriate to comment on specific situations,” goes to disclose data on situations of the kind found in recent years in Portugal.
. As the amount involved, 50 billion dollars (36.6 billion), is far superior to any other similar case ever found in Portugal, confirmed to the Lusa the supervisor of banks.
Even if there is a limit to transfers of money from abroad to Ireland and vice versa, the amount is so high that it would do for five lines of high-speed train in Portugal or ten airports in Lisbon.
If the operation was carried out, would be transferred to Portugal twice the value of the 20 largest Portuguese stock exchange. “An amount ever seen, is in the Portuguese market or in any place of reference of the world,” said a banking source to Lusa. Indeed, it is not every day that are transferred 50 billion dollars from one country to another and, as another source of market, “seems to play. The value is completely abnormal.”
The contract ‘Swift’ [direct exchange between banks] provide for the transfer of that amount between the North American bank, the JP Morgan Chase Manhattan Bank, and the Portuguese institution, with a pre-set exchange rate and fixed at 85 euros for each $ 100 (euro in evaluating each $ 1.17 - below the $ 1.36 to the euro has traded in the foreign exchange market).
The transaction would be held in several tranches, with the first set at 49.5 million dollars (36.4 million).
In terms of commissions, the lead bank to accept the transfer operation of the money received 2.5 percent of the total amount, ie 1.25 billion dollars (nearly one billion euros - twice the market value of the Banif stock exchange, for example).
On page four of the contract read that “the parties have to follow the coordinates given by the rules of the banks on the Anti-Terrorist Act and the Patriotic Act I and II. The purchaser [bank that accepts to receive the money coming from the U.S.] will not held responsible for any money laundering harmful. “"
Sounds about right to me.
No surprises there.
Bank of America accuses JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs of cheating on stress test
"Today, the AP is reporting that federal prosecutors and the FBI are currently investigating possible illegal insider trading by two Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement attorneys. The Securities and Exchange Commission is the federal government agency entrusted with regulating stocks, bonds and other securities that are sold to the public."
CHASE Bank - Complaint
The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot
to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office,
I must inform the citizens of this plight.”
— President John Fitzgerald Kennedy -
In a speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963,
ten days before his assassination!
might be a link or two in here that'll keep ya busy;
Thanks for sharing.
Definitely will be checking it out.
Judicial Watch Forces Release of Bank Bailout Documents
Make sure to click on all the links within the link.
(shared by gold-nugget)
Ya thats something aint it....
I wonder what their stock symbol is, definately qualifies as China pink
Seems that we are takin it in the ass and it dont feel good.
Spendin money to teach Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly??? They are the ones that should be taking it in the ass. They are used to it...They do it for a living...
COIN is flying!, lol with planting season in its infancy this year....
Ka Ching a ling
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp is talking with lawmakers about speedy legislation giving it power to wind down troubled bank holding companies, but not a broader range of financial firms.
The Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Department have some disagreement with the FDIC about exactly what new powers the agency should gain, said a source, speaking anonymously because the meetings have been private.
The FDIC has been meeting in recent days with lawmakers' staff, at the request of Congress, about so-called "resolution authority."
"I think just giving us authority over bank holding companies would be easier... than tackling the larger non-bank systemic institutions," FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair said after speaking to a National Association of Realtors' meeting in Washington.
Of her agency's talks with lawmakers she said: "It's their call. They seem interested and we're responding to their questions."
The FDIC currently has the power to seize depository banks, but does not have similar authority for non-banks, including bank holding companies such as Citigroup Inc (C.N) and GMAC, which have both received billions of dollars in government aid.
Treasury Secretary Geithner told Reuters on Friday the government would likely have to provide "substantial" additional capital to GMAC.
The Treasury in March drafted a legislative proposal that names the FDIC as the resolution authority for a broad range of financial firms, but some members of the administration and bank industry groups have opposed such a plan, saying the FDIC is not properly equipped for such a large task.
The White House is expected in the next couple weeks to give Congress a plan for comprehensive financial regulatory reform. That proposal is likely to call for the Fed to play a central role in regulating systemic risk in the economy, sources said last week.
The FDIC is seeking quick passage of a separate piece of legislation for resolution authority, the source said on Tuesday, as the broad reform legislation will likely not get passed until close to the end of the year.
The more narrow definition of resolution authority would also likely increase the chances the legislation could get passed quickly, as it would calm some concerns the FDIC does not have enough experience to handle complicated companies such as insurer American International Group (AIG.N).
But some lawmakers and administration officials want the resolution authority provision as part of the larger reform legislative package because they believe the systemic risk regulator proposal should dovetail with the authority to wind down large financial firms.
Bair told a Senate Banking Committee hearing last week that the ability to resolve bank holding companies would give the FDIC "a vital tool."
She also said the lack of that tool has driven the administration's policy decisions when dealing with large troubled financial firms.
Another source familiar with the FDIC's plans said on Tuesday that the agency was considering seeking to create a new fund to help deal with any resolution of systemically important financial institutions.
The source, who asked to remain anonymous because the fund is in the planning stages, said institutions with over $100 billion in assets could be required to pay into the fund on a regular basis.
The administration has shifted its focus in recent days to financial regulation reform, after the government released last week the results of stress tests on the 19 largest U.S. banks.
The government is driving to tighten regulation of banks and markets to prevent another financial crisis like the one that is currently ravaging economies worldwide.
National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama, is leading the effort on regulatory restructuring.
The administration hopes the House Financial Services Committee can approve the broad legislative package by July 4, with the goal of final passage by the end of the year.
(Reporting by Karey Wutkowski and Kevin Drawbaugh, additional reporting by Kim Dixon and John Poirier; Editing by Andre Grenon, Carol Bishopric, Tim Dobbyn)
"Just when you think that the wastefulness of the U.S. government can't get any worse they go out and spend money on some really bizarre things. Now it has come out that the U.S. government is spending $2.6 million U.S. tax dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job."