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"Sacrifice!, How much of your time, of yourself, are you willing to give to invest, to sacrifice to something that you want, need or desire.? To your mental, physical or spiritual improvement. What would you give to have a successful relationship with your health, fitness, career, family, or that special person in your life.? Time is your most valuable asset. It is the one thing you possess that enables you to acquire all your dreams, aspirations and goals. It is the one thing you can't buy or get back once you've spent it or let escape your grasp. None of us can know how much of it we have. Cherish it, enjoy every minute of it. Invest it and use it wisely, with focused and loving care. It is the substance and fabric that your happiness, contentment and memories of who you are, what you have, what you will be and what you have done with this gift of life are made of." MBR
"Think Big. You have to think big, not just about your goals or plans, but about yourself. Who you are. What you can achieve. See yourself bigger than life. See yourself as part of the infinite and universal strength and power that is connected to all of the forces of nature. Positive and powerful thoughts translate into emotions that release endorphins into your physical being. These in turn can give you the drive and energy that can multiply your abilities and potential. Internalize these thoughts. Visualize yourself hundreds of feet up in the air rising above all your circumstances, problems and worries. This new perspective will help you see things as if they were small details that you can easily manuever and control. You will then be able to see any obstacle and challenges you may encounter within the scope and reality of your total life as minor insignificant details." MBR
High-Speed Traders Rip Investors Off, Michael Lewis Says
By Nick Baker and Sam Mamudi Mar 31, 2014 12:01 AM ET
Photographer: Jin Lee/Bloomberg
A trader is reflected in a monitor as he works on the floor of the New York Stock... Read More
High Frequency Trading Isn't Rigged, PennTrade CEO
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The U.S. stock market is rigged when high-frequency traders with advanced computers make tens of billions of dollars by jumping in front of investors, according to author Michael Lewis, who spent the past year researching the topic for his new book “Flash Boys.”
While speed traders’ strategies, developed over the past decade with help from exchanges, are legal, “it’s just nuts” that they’re allowed, Lewis said during an interview televised yesterday on CBS Corp.’s “60 Minutes.” The tactics are too complicated for individual investors to understand, he said.
“The United States stock market, the most iconic market in global capitalism, is rigged,” Lewis, whose books “Liar’s Poker” and “The Big Short” highlighted Wall Street excesses, said during the interview. The new book comes out today. “It’s crazy that it’s legal for some people to get advance news on prices and what investors are doing,” he said.
Man, Machine and the U.S. Stock Market
Everyone who owns equities is victimized by the practices, in which the fastest traders figure out which stocks investors plan to buy, purchase them first and then sell them back at a higher price, said Lewis, a columnist for Bloomberg View. To show how lucrative the tactics are, Lewis said a technology firm spent $300 million to build a line that would shave three milliseconds off the time it takes to communicate between New Jersey and Chicago, then leased it out to securities companies for $10 million each.
Industry Obsession
The author’s comments follow New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s decision to investigate privileges marketed to professional traders that allow them to place their computers within feet of exchanges and buy access to faster data streams. Officials at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission have also said market rules may need to be examined.
Lewis is adding his voice to a debate that has obsessed the securities industry for almost a decade while only periodically surfacing in public via events such as the May 2010 flash crash, in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average posted an almost 1,000 point loss. Previous books by the one-time Salomon Brothers Inc. trader have focused attention on everything from mortgage derivatives to baseball statistics and contributed to the outcry over the events leading to the 2008 financial crisis.
His latest target, high-frequency trading, comprises a diverse set of software-driven strategies that have spread from U.S. equity markets to most developed countries as computer power grew and regulators tried to break the grip of centralized exchanges. While the tactics vary, they usually employ super-fast computers to post and cancel orders at rates measured in thousandths or even millionths of a second to capture price discrepancies on more than 50 public and private venues that make up the American equities market.
Dominating Volume
High-frequency traders account for about half of share volume in the U.S., a statistic that shows their pervasiveness and hints at the obstacles faced by proposals to rein them in. Exchanges rely on HFTs for profits as well as liquidity, with electronic market makers all but eliminating the old system of human floor traders who oversaw the buying and selling of equities. While critics such as Lewis see a Wall Street plot, proponents say the new system is faster and cheaper.
In the U.S., the biggest high-speed traders include Virtu Financial Inc., which filed in March to sell shares to the public. Bats Global Markets Inc., the Lenexa, Kansas-based equity exchange that merged with Direct Edge Holdings LLC this year, was founded by a high-frequency trader.
Book’s Hero
“We believe Lewis’s book can have a big impact on complex market-structure issues that have been simmering for years,” Joe Saluzzi, co-head of equity trading at Themis Trading LLC and a frequent critic of the status quo in markets, said before the “60 Minutes” interview was broadcast. “Hopefully this type of publicity will finally force regulators to take action on issues that they’ve been sitting on for way too long.”
One of the heroes of Lewis’s book is Brad Katsuyama, who left Royal Bank of Canada (RY) in 2012 to form a new market, IEX Group Inc., along with other former traders from the Toronto-based bank. David Einhorn’s Greenlight Capital Inc. hedge fund invested in the platform, which started trading in October and was established to minimize the influence of predatory strategies, Goldman Sachs Group (GS) Inc. has endorsed IEX and is the venue’s biggest broker.
Ticket Prices
IEX was established partly to address concern that technology advances and fragmentation have made the $22 trillion U.S. equity market too fast and opaque. The platform, a dark pool with ambitions to officially become an exchange, imposes a delay of 350 microseconds, or 350 millionths of a second, on orders -- enough to curb the fastest trading firms. IEX aims for greater transparency by making its trading rules available for public review, unlike some other electronic venues.
During his own interview with “60 Minutes,” Katsuyama described how the stock market rips off investors. While still at Royal Bank, he noticed that prices seemed to move against him when he was trading.
“The best analogy I think is that your family wants to go to a concert,” he said. “You go onto StubHub, there’s four tickets all next to each other for 20 bucks each. You put in an order to buy four tickets, 20 bucks each and it says, ‘You’ve bought two tickets at 20 bucks each.’ And you go back and those same two seats that are sitting there have now gone up to $25.”
‘My Jaw’
Katsuyama concluded that his intentions became visible on some exchanges faster than others. The most fleet-footed traders could take advantage of that by submitting bids and offers on the slower markets.
Lewis said, “I spoke to dozens of investors, big investors, famous investors who said that, ‘When Brad Katsuyama came into my office and laid out to me how the market was rigged, my jaw hit the floor. I mean, I knew something was wrong. I just didn’t know what it was and no one had told us.’”
Eric Ryan, a spokesman for the New York Stock Exchange, and Nasdaq OMX Group Inc.’s Rob Madden declined to comment on Lewis.
“We completely disagree with allegations that the U.S. equity market is rigged,” Bats President Bill O’Brien said in an e-mail. “While we should never stop trying to improve our market structure, it is unfair and irresponsible to accuse people simply because they use technology and enhance competition. This has helped make our market the most competitive and liquid in the world, greatly benefiting individual investors.”
New York
New York’s Schneiderman is examining the sale of products and services that offer faster access to data and richer information on trades than is normally available to the public. Wall Street banks and rapid-fire trading firms pay for these services, providing millions of dollars in quarterly sales to exchanges and helping ensure their markets are supplied with standing orders to buy and sell stocks.
Bloomberg LP, the parent of Bloomberg News, provides its clients with access to some proprietary exchange feeds.
The investigation threatens to disrupt a model that market regulators have permitted for years as high-speed trading and concerns about its influence have grown. Trading firms pay to place their systems in the same data centers as the exchanges, a practice known as co-location that lets them directly plug in their companies’ servers and shave millionths of a second off transactions.
High-frequency-trader Virtu publicly released its initial public offering filing in March. The New York-based market maker, which provides quotes in more than 10,000 securities and contracts on more than 210 venues in 30 countries, said it had turned a profit every day except one for five years. The company uses IEX.
CFTC Review
Virtu disclosed in the IPO filing that the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission is looking into its trading from July 2011 to November 2013, examining its “participation in certain incentive programs offered by exchanges or venues,” according to the IPO filing. Virtu said it doesn’t believe it broke any laws or CFTC rules.
Chris Concannon, Virtu’s president and chief operating officer, declined to comment before the “60 Minutes” broadcast, citing rules that prevent companies from speaking while planning IPOs.
Share volume totals show the transformation that high-frequency firms have wrought in American equity markets. While combined trading on the NYSE and Nasdaq rarely exceeded 2 billion shares in the 1990s, today it is regularly three times that in the U.S. About 6.05 billion shares changed hands on all U.S. exchanges in the last session, data compiled by Bloomberg show.
‘Not Rigged’
Not everyone says speed trading is unfair.
“While there are bad actors in every industry, the game is not rigged in the favor of professional traders who employ HFT to execute their strategies,” Peter Nabicht, senior adviser to the Modern Markets Initiative trade group and former chief technology officer at high-frequency-trading firm Allston Trading, wrote in an e-mail.
“Rather, they work hard to compete with each other to bring liquidity to the markets, benefiting average investors,” he added. “Continued debate about the next evolution of market structure is needed and welcome, provided the debate is based on fact and resulting actions are reasoned, ensuring average investors continue to benefit from the transparency and efficiency enabled by inevitable technological advances.”
Encouraging Trades
The practice of selling enhanced access to brokers accelerated as American exchanges evolved from member-owned firms amid a flurry of regulation and computer advances in the 1990s. Among other changes, the government-mandated compression of stock price increments to pennies from eighths and sixteenths of a dollar, a process known as decimalization, squeezed profits for market makers and specialists that had overseen stock trades.
Faced with the need to maintain liquidity on electronic platforms where profits were too fleeting for humans to capture, exchanges encouraged computerized firms to post orders for investors to trade against. Co-location and customized data feeds developed alongside the hodgepodge of fees and rebates that market operators use to keep speed traders coming back.
“Part of what you’re seeing here is people not understanding it, because they either haven’t taken the time or haven’t dug in,” Larry Leibowitz, the former chief operating officer of NYSE Euronext, said in a March 25 conference call with analysts arranged by Sandler O’Neill & Partners LP. “It’s the responsibility of regulators to show leadership to show, ‘We looked at these issues, and we think these are fair. These are areas we want to improve and fine tune.’”
Old Days
Market-maker privileges have always been a hallmark of equity trading, starting with the sale of seats on the floors of exchanges. LaBranche & Co., created in January 1924, went public in August 1999. In papers prepared for its IPO, LaBranche disclosed that it regularly turned about 71 percent of sales into profit before paying its managing directors. Earnings before that expense climbed at least 25 percent every year from 1995 through 1999.
Results like those, as well as concern that NYSE and Nasdaq were too powerful, helped spur reforms since 2000 such as decimalization and a broader overhaul known as Regulation NMS that was aimed at lowering barriers to trading. Through rules mandating that any order for stock be routed to whoever in the country was transmitting the best offer to buy or sell, regulators hoped competition among a much larger pool of de facto market makers would lower costs for investors.
Lower Fees
That happened. Buying 1,000 shares of AT&T before 1975 would have cost $800 in commissions, Charles Schwab, who founded discount brokerage Charles Schwab Corp., told the U.S. Senate in February 2000. That’s roughly 100 times more than the fees paid by some retail stock-pickers today.
Federal regulators have asked for years whether new restrictions were needed. In February 2012, Daniel Hawke, the head of the SEC’s market-abuse unit, said the agency was examining practices such as co-location and rebates that exchanges pay to spur transactions. Last year, the CFTC announced a review of speed trading and sought industry input.
SEC Commissioner Daniel Gallagher said on March 28 that individuals are concerned that high-frequency traders detract from fairness in the marketplace.
“The problem with high-frequency trading right now is that there’s a perception that for the little guy, the markets aren’t fair,” Gallagher told CNBC during an interview. “That perception to me is a reality. It’s something we need to address.”
To contact the reporters on this story: Nick Baker in Chicago at; Sam Mamudi in New York at
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Chris Nagi at David Scheer
TCHH .0002 800mil+ volume!
The Russo-Chinese Pincer Movement Against The US Treasury and The FED
The Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned by member banks. If those member banks have either sold out to China or are bought for pennies on the dollar by them when the dollar crashes, then Beijing will own the American Federal Reserve Bank. Though at that point we could no longer call it American.
China has bought 60% of all the real estate in the Financial District of South Manhattan. This includes the J P Morgan Chase headquarters building at one Chase Plaza which has the largest private bold bullion vault in the world. It is next door to the New York Federal Reserve vault. When Dr Jim Willie saw the price the Chinese paid for the building, he wondered if that was a typo. After he confirmed the price, he began speculating that J P Morgan might have lost a bundle and avoided bankruptcy by selling out to Beijing at a discounted price. He then began wondering whether or not the Chinese were taking over the Federal Reserve.
J P Morgan has so many tens of trillions of dollars in US Treasury interest rate futures that they are often called the operating arm of the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve. J P Morgan is certainly above the law. When Jamie Dimon at Morgan ordered Jon Corzine of M F Global to send them $1.2 billion dollars from allocated customer accounts, the two men broke laws that only apply to commoners. Corzine and Dimon have not been indicted for their crimes.
J P Morgan began in England as a Rothschild front group. It merged with the Chase Manhattan Bank which had been founded by the Rockefellers who also have been fronts for the Rothschilds since the 19th century.
Morgan has reversed its position on gold. It has been behind the SLV ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) as HSBC was behind the GLD ETF. These funds are scams that let the punters buy paper gold and silver while the US Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and other Central Banks sold gold into the markets to drive down the price of gold and prop up their near worthless currencies. Morgan and other banks had been aggressively shorting silver and gold to drive prices down. China and other Asian countries have been buying all the gold. Currently, there are few gold bars for delivery available in London, Dubai or New York. In fact some of the gold delivered to Germany had markings from older holdings which indicate there is not much left. France invaded Mali, a gold producer, after Germany demanded return of their gold. The US and England took Libya’s gold just before they returned Venezuela’s gold. The US is currently backing a UN offensive in the Democratic Republic of the Congo which has gold fields. And the US is ferrying troops from Rwanda into the Central African Republic which has three different gold fields under feasibility study by Canadian and European firms. But to date the US has only returned 5 tonnes of Germany’s gold.
J P Morgan has just recently switched their positions in the futures market and are now long gold. This means they are betting that gold will go much higher in the near future. I recently wrote that the Arabs are having their 99.95% pure 100 and 400 ounce gold bars being recast into 99.999% pure kilogram size bars so they can join in the new Chinese backed trade system. The Chinese system is based on kilogram gold bullion bars being converted into the yuan and possibly the ruble. This will replace the dollar in international trade. It is part of the Currency Reset. Gold will be priced at $7,000 an ounce and Americans who want to buy something from overseas will first have to buy a kilogram of gold. That would be $7,000 times 35.274 for one kilo. Perhaps Morgan has been listening to China. Many observers agree with me that Morgan and the Central Banks have the cooperation of China to manipulate the price of gold and silver while Asia acquires our precious metals at bargain basement prices. That will come to an abrupt end when the West has no gold to sell to Asia and US dollar is replaced by a gold backed yuan and ruble in international trade.
Dr Willie noted that Russia and China are making other aggressive moves.
China is buying industrial Enterprise zones. They are also buying US houses in large quantities. US Hedge Funds are buying homes which they hope to market as stock securities. It is easier to sell stocks than homes which is a lesson learned in the last housing crash. The US Federal Reserve is participating in this new housing Bubble. Moodys which has never seen a Bubble it did not like has rated these new investments AAA. Moodys is owned by Warren Buffett. China plans on becoming one of America’s largest employers and its biggest landlord after it takes over the properties owned by the Federal Reserve, the Too Big To Jail Banks and the Hedge Funds. The dollar could collapse so fast that Wall Street will not be able to unload their Bubble priced homes. China could easily pick up ten million houses. This means America would become a Chinese colony if a formidable resistance does not begin in the very near future.
When the yuan replaces the dollar as the international reserve currency, foreigners will dump dollars. The repatriation of overseas dollars and US Treasury bonds will double prices in dollars and cut the purchasing power of American pensions and paychecks in half. At that point, the Chinese could take the idle US manufacturing plants they are buying and open them. American wages would be cut low enough so as to make those Chinese-American companies competitive to low wage producers all over the world.
Russia is backing Iran and Syria. Iran has proposed a natural gas pipeline to send their gas to Syria which Gazprom, the Russian Energy giant, wants to sell to Europe for rubles. There are ongoing negotiations between the Iranians and the West called the P5 + 1 talks. P5 + 1 refers to the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany. The talks and the Iran sanctions have nothing to do with the Iranian nuclear weapons program because there is none.
Dr Jim Willie calls the P5 + 1 talks the Petrodollar Death Summit. The Petrodollar was created by Henry Kissinger after the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. The US had stopped convertibility of the dollar to gold in 1971 because their country was overpopulated had too many troops overseas. After 1973 the Arabs sold oil for dollars which they invested in US Treasury bonds and the New York Stock Exchange as did the then growing drug cartels. This meant US policy since 1973, if not before, has been committed to maintaining a high price for oil and to losing the war against drugs.
A pincer movement occurs when an opposing army flanks you on your left and on your right, overruns your position and cuts off your supplies from the rear.
The Chinese have recently had a Strategic Partnership Initiative with Saudi Arabia and three other Gulf nations. This is why you have seen articles in the New York Times denouncing the Saudis as terrorists. Dr Jim Willie has a source who told him that China and Russia are using Iran and Dubai to pressure the Saudis to transition from a Petrodollar to a Petro-Yuan. This would result in crashing the dollar and causing Nationwide Food Riots. It would also force the Saudis and the other Arabs to sell off hundreds of billions in US stocks and Treasury bonds. This would result in a bloodbath in the New York markets and devastate what would be left of American pensions.
China in 2013 bought Goldman Sachs’ aluminum and industrial metals warehouses. A Russian conglomerate bought the Morgan Stanley Energy Desk. You might remember Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone saying a few years ago that Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley were buying and selling every barrel of oil 28 times before it got to market so they could drive the prices to obscene levels.
All that power to set prices for commodities, oil, natural gas and precious metals has now gone into Russian and Chinese hands. After the banks fail, China could buy their stock and quite literally own the US Federal Reserve Bank. Can you now clearly see the Russo-Chinese pincer movement out flanking the US dollar, the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve?
Erik Prince of Blackwater infamy rented mercenaries to the US government in the Mideast. These men were accused of war crimes and human trafficking. Blackwater also paid $42 million dollars in fines to avoid arrest for breaking hundreds of US export rules. Erik Prince is now providing logistics and security services to China in Africa. China in 2010 had a Beijing African conference in which they pledged $100 billion dollars in investments. Obama and Hillary have countered the offer with all the drones the Africans could possibly want and more. The US had troops active in 134 nations last year. Drones and 25,000 Special Ops soldiers cannot counteract the rising tide of the yuan and the ruble.
I do not want to leave you thinking there is no hope for the future. The Good News is that we are headed into a Global Depression. That means we have an excellent opportunity for a Global Insurrection against the Bankers. The people of China do not like their government any more than the people of America and Europe like theirs. We need to emphasize Worldwide Debt Cancellation. We need to explain to people that we got into this Depression because we let bankers create our money as a loan at interest on money they created out of nothing. We must outlaw fractional reserve banking. And we must issue a non-interest bearing currency like President Lincoln’s Greenback.
Thought I'd chime in, once i saw the post referencing CAGR DD done by "rustybucksranch." Below is a response i compiled for the CAGR board in answer to blatant lies by "rustybucksranch."
Since that time, CAGR has become a dead stock. Its on Glbal Lock by the DTC and its former CEO, Frank Yglesias (who has several other aliases) resigned and filed bankruptcy so he could liquidate all the inventory shareholders paid for to pay his own debts. It is my opinion that "rustybucksranch" was a paid paid pumper for Frank, as were at least three others.
Any way, to wit:
The REAL list of CAGR accomplishments: (Updated-11/9/2012)
a) Fall, 2011 ... CAGR rips shareholders with a 1:10 Reverse split
b) Oct 4, 2011 ... CAGR files Articles of Incorporation in which
1) Shareholders are stripped of voting rights
2) Insiders issue themselves 8,000,000,000 (Billion) shares disguised as preferred and sale-able without vote or notice.
c) Dec 12, 2011 ... CAGR begins life with 375,000,000+ shares outstanding
d) Dec, 2011 ... CAGR sells 40 Million shares at .0005 for $20K cash.
e) January, 2012 ... CAGR publishes 2011 year end report which
1) Is not audited as promised.
2) Shows that CaGrapes was not a highly profitable company as advertised
f) Feb 1, 2012 ... CAGR dumps 199,000,000 shares. OS now 574,000,000+ shares
g) Feb 24, 2012 ... CAGR dumps another 50,000,000 shares. OS now 624,000,000+
h) Feb, 2012 ... CAGR announces it will open a retail outlet
1) CAGR says opening aimed for April 1st. ... Later investors find out it was never intended for April 1st, but May 1st.
2) Investors find out that the Renaissance Hotel location is off.
i) March 29, 2012 ... CAGR dumps another 347,000,000 shares. OS now 971,000,000+
j) April 26,2012 ... CAGR dumps another 40,000,000 shares. OS now 1,011,000,000+
k) May 2012, Store does not open on time. No word from company
l) CAGR publishes Q1 report
1) Report is again unaudited.
2) CAGR shows loss of $200K
3) Report shows that CAGR must spend $2 to generate $%1 in sales.
4) Report reveals that CAGR, unbeknownst to shareholders, is seriously delinquent on three loans. Two loans have been delinquent for more than two years and the other for more than one year.
m) May 29, 2012 ... CAGR dumps another 85,000,000 shares. OS now 1,096,000,000+
n) June 2012 ... Store still not open. No word from company
o) June 8, 2012 ... CAGR dumps another 50,000,000 shares. OS now 1,146,000,000+
p) July 2012 ... Store still not open.
1)Company says they just got permits. Company obviously lying because no one would sign a lease without having the permits.
2) Company posts pictures of a basement renovation.
3) It is reported by one poster that the store location is indeed a basement, is not in the high traffic mall and is on the opposite and low traffic side of the street with several vacant spaces.
q) July 2, 2012 ... CAGR dumps another 215,000,000 shares.[/b] OS now 1,360,000,000+
r) July 6, 2012 ... CAGR closes at .0005. Down 75% from pre-merger price; and down 95%+ from post merger high.
s) July 12, 2012 ... CAGR closes at .0003. Down another 40% just this week.
t) August 14, 2012 ... Store still not open! Now 136 days late
u) Company announces in an email to selected stock holders that there will not be any finacials posted for Q2. Store still not opened.
v) August 17, 2012 ... CAGR dropped to "Limited Information" status with "Yield Sign" displayed.
w) The TA is gagged by company request!
x) October 3, 2012 ... Company blames delay in Grand opening of store on a strain in Sino-Chinese relations, even though such strain occurred two weeks AFTER scheduled opening.
y) October 3, 2012 ... Shareholders find out via an email sent only to listed subscribers that company is making only $300/day in sales. ($9,000.00/mo, $27,000.00/qtr) Given the stated overhead in Q1 report of $450,000+/qtr, company would need to do 51 times its present rate of sales to break even!
z) October 24, 2012 ... Company releases financials. Shareholders find out
1) CAGR dumps another 202,000,000 shares. OS now 1,562,000,000+
2) Company is bleeding money
3) Once again, the report is Unaudited, in spite of repeated company promises to provide audited figures.
aa) November, 2012 ...
1) Company admits the released report is in error and releases several different versions in the days immediately following the first version.
2) Attorney letter filed
3) Second Attorney letter filed, evidently retracting the first Attorney letter
4) essential errors and inconsistencies still appear in report relative to 100s of thousnads of dollars of missing capital.
SEC Rewards Whistleblower With $150,000 Payout
SEC's order determining whistleblower award claim
Washington D.C., Oct. 30, 2013 — The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced an award of more than $150,000 to a whistleblower whose tips helped the agency stop a scheme that was defrauding investors.
The award recipient, who does not wish to be identified, provided significant information that allowed the SEC to quickly open an investigation and obtain emergency relief before additional investors were harmed. By law, the SEC must protect the confidentiality of whistleblowers and cannot disclose any information that might directly or indirectly reveal an identity.
The award amount represents 30 percent of the money collected by the SEC in the successful enforcement action, the maximum permitted under the law.
“This is continued momentum and success for the SEC’s whistleblower program that is bringing our investigators valuable and timely information to stop ongoing frauds before additional investors can be harmed,” said Sean McKessy, chief of the SEC’s Office of the Whistleblower.
This is the sixth whistleblower to be awarded through the SEC’s whistleblower program since it began two years ago. The largest award was announced earlier this month when a whistleblower was awarded more than $14 million.
For more information about the whistleblower program and how to report a tip, visit
5 lessons we learned while training for our first triathlon
CNN Fit Nation team is in Malibu, California, to race their first triathlon
The group reflects on some of the lessons they've learned during training
These lessons apply to all areas of their lives -- and can help you, too
Editor's note: Six CNN viewers were selected to be a part of the Fit Nation Triathlon Challenge program. Follow them on Twitter and Facebook as they train to race the Nautica Malibu Triathlon with Dr. Sanjay Gupta on September 8.
(CNN) -- With less than 48 hours to go before our Fit Nation team tackles its first triathlon in Malibu, California, we asked them to reflect on the past nine months of training. Here are the top five lessons they learned:
Like riding a bike, sometimes in life you just have to let go.
Learning to ride the bike was the toughest challenge I had on this journey. Every ride I had until the midway trip in Florida was full of fear and white knuckles. I couldn't make myself lay off the brakes coming down hills, so it made it very hard to climb back up. But on the midway trip, Coach April got inside my head and heart. During a bike ride, she said, "I want you to know you deserve this -- all the time and work you've put into this. It's worth it; all you have to do is let go and take it."
Like braking on a bike, I was holding on too tightly to people, words and situations that had hurt me and to worries about things I have absolutely no control over.
So write down everything you are holding on to that is preventing you from living the life you deserve. You aren't writing them down to dwell on them; you are writing them down to get them out of your heart and off your mind.
Here's mine: "I am not defined by the scars of my past. It is up to me to define who I am now and who I will become. The only person I can save is myself. When I find it difficult to accept what I have no control over, I will let go and trust in God to guide me."
-- Annette Miller
Giving up is not an option.
Life is never going to stop. The ups and downs of being a human being on God's green Earth are going to continue whether we like it or not. Both honeymoons and valleys are undoubtedly going to greet you along the way.
Don't get me wrong; being on the Fit Nation team has been an awesome experience. But it has also proved to be much harder than I ever expected. I've fallen so many times, and in so many ways, yet I'm not giving up on my goal of crossing the finish line in Malibu.
Whether it's mental or physical, remind yourself that giving up is not an option. Getting to the finish line, regardless of your race, may not be pretty or perfect, but I promise that you'll get there. Just keep picking yourself up when you fall.
-- Douglas Mogle
You can't go wrong following your passion.
Little did I know how triathlon training would permeate my life. I didn't notice it at first; I was too preoccupied with anxiety and fear about the journey upon which I was embarking. Still mired in self-doubt and comparing myself to those around me, I was worried that I wouldn't be enough. Fast enough. Strong enough. Disciplined enough.
But little by little, my attitude shifted. Physical feats I didn't think possible became daily routines. Incrementally, my body and my mind became stronger. I became comfortable in my imperfect body, realizing its value lies not in how others view it or the clothes I use to dress it but rather in the places it can take me.
Others noticed this change too. Friends, family and co-workers remarked that I looked good, looked healthy, looked happy. And I was all of those things and more.
I imagine the same happens when an artist picks up a paintbrush, a dancer learns her first moves or a writer finishes a manuscript. The pleasure in following your heart and working hard to achieve a goal you see so vividly is infectious. Whether it's sport, art, music or any number of things, you can't go wrong with following your passion. You'll soon find your inner joy burning so brightly that others will be drawn to your light.
-- Tabitha McMahon
Keep moving forward.
During the first few weeks, I was completely overwhelmed -- from making time to work out to improving my diet to learning how to operate the new electronic devices we used to track our mileage. So many times, I wondered if I was in over my head and if I really had what it was going to take to do a triathlon in nine short months. Luckily, all I had to do was look at my right wrist, where a silver band with the words "Keep moving forward" reminded me that I didn't need to conquer everything at once; I just needed to take one small step in the right direction in order to keep moving toward my goal.
It is hard for me to put into words how much strength and determination this simple mantra provides me with each and every day. As I have dealt with tragedies, emergencies and the everyday ups and downs of life, it reminded me that a simple step, no matter how small forward, meant I was moving in the right direction.
This time next week, the event that I have trained for and looked forward to since January will be a memory. My fears and anxiety have been replaced with pride and excitement.
I know that for the rest of my life, I will continue to keep moving forward, one step at a time.
-- Rae Timme
Invite others into your world
The reason I am here, feeling well-prepared to start and finish in Malibu, is because of the incredible support I've gotten from my teammates, my family, my friends and even strangers who have followed my progress.
If I had attempted this triathlon thing on my own, I'm not sure that I would have made it. In fact, I know I would have stopped swimming out of pure frustration. But the encouragement and advice that everyone has given to me has carried me through to this point.
We think of triathlon as an individual pursuit, and we do run the races alone. But we didn't get to those races alone. We got there as a team.
My team has carried me through, and I'm proud to say that because of all of you, I am ready to be a triathlete. My most import lesson I've learned is to invite people into your world, allow them to become part of your journey and accept their shoulder for support when you need it. They'll help you achieve your goals.
Understanding Level 2 And Market Makers
Written by Stockalyzer
Market data includes various pricing information (such as the most recently traded price), and various volume information (such as the number of contracts that were most recently traded). Market data is available in two different levels, with level 1 providing the basic trading information, and level 2 providing some additional trading information.
Level 1 Market Data
Level 1 market data provides all of the trading information that most day traders need, including the following :
Bid Price - The highest price that a trader is willing to pay to buy a contract (or share). This is the price that will be received for any market orders to sell a contract.
Bid Size - The number of contracts (or shares) that are available at the bid price. When this number of contracts have been traded, the bid price will move down to the next highest price.
Ask Price - The lowest price that a trader is willing to accept to sell a contract (or share). This is the price that will be received for any market orders to buy a contract.
Ask Size - The number of contracts (or shares) that are available at the ask price. When this number of contracts have been traded, the ask price will move up to the next lowest price.
Last Price - The most recently traded price. This is also known as the closing price, if it is the last price traded in the trading session (i.e. trading day).
Last Size - The number of contracts (or shares) that were most recently traded.
Level 2 Market Data
Level 2 market data provides some additional trading information that is used with trading systems that follow the order flow, such as scalping trading systems or advanced volume based trading systems. The additional trading information includes the following :
Highest Bid Prices - The highest five prices that traders are willing to pay to buy a contract (or share).
Bid Sizes - The number of contracts (or shares) that are available at each of the bid prices. When each of these number of contracts have been traded, the current bid price (included with level 1) will move down to the next level 2 bid price.
Lowest Ask Prices - The lowest five prices that traders are willing to accept to sell a contract (or share).
Ask Sizes - The number of contracts (or shares) that are available at each of the ask prices. When this number of contracts have been traded, the current ask price (included with level 1) will move up to the next level 2 ask price.
Level 2 market data is also known as the order book. When orders are placed, they are placed through many different market makers and other market participants. Level 2 will show you a ranked list of the best bid and ask prices from each of these participants, giving you detailed insight into the price action, including the market depth. Knowing exactly who has an interest in a stock can be extremely useful, especially if you are day trading.
This is what a level 2 quote looks like:
This tell us that NSDQ has a bid of 20,500 shares of stock at a price of $5.49 and the right side tells us that NSDQ wants to sell 14,385 shares at a price of $5.50.
Now let's take a look at the market participants.
The Players
There are three different types of players in the marketplace:
Market Makers (MM) - These are the players who provide liquidity in the marketplace. This means that they are required to buy when nobody else is buying and sell when nobody else is selling. They make the market. In other words, the Market Maker buys and sells the stock to brokerage firms.
Electronic Communication Networks (ECN) - It is an electronic system that brings buyers and sellers together for the electronic execution of trades. It disseminates information to interested parties about the orders entered into the network and allows these orders to be executed. It is important to note that anyone can trade through ECNs, even large institutional traders.
Wholesalers (Order flow firms) - Many online brokers sell their order flow to wholesalers; these order flow firms then execute orders on behalf of online brokers (usually retail traders).
The Ax
The most important market maker to look for is called the ax. This is the market maker that controls the price action in a given stock. You can find out which market maker this is by watching the level II action for a few days - the market maker who consistently dominates the price action is the ax. The ax isn't always trading the stock in one direction or another. Sometime he is keeping it in a tight range and sometimes he is not there at all and another ax may step forward. Note that there are times where there is no ax present. The point is the ax is the one to watch closer than all other parties or MMs. Many day traders make sure to trade with the ax because it typically results in a higher probability of success. Note that the ax is not static. On any given day any party can be an ax, there may be one ax in the morning and another in the afternoon. If a big order comes onto the trading desk of a firm that doesn't do big volume in a certain name, the ax will take care of it and command the action. An ax can easily use an ECN to hide much of their action. They can and will use fake outs. Keeping an eye on Level 2 will reveal the ax.
Each market participant is recognized by the four-letter ID that appears on level II quotes. Here are some of the most popular ones: NITE, ETRD, SCHB, TDCM & ARCA.
NITE - wholesaler
SCHB - wholesaler
TDCM - retailer
ETRD - retail ECN
NITE : This is the king MM of the OTCBB. He intimides traders and other MMs use that to their advantage knowing that he scares them. That's why NITE is the shaker on most stock runs; he is the most common ax. NITE could be on the ask all the time, he could be leading a dip scaring sellers to SCHB and TDCM on the bid.
Wholesalers : ETRD, HRZG, MASH, NITE, SHWB
Big Shorters : JIMK, POND, GNET or ARCA (anyone can use GNET, even other MMs because it's an ECN).
TDCM - retailer MM.
NASDAQ Market Maker List here
OTC Bulletin Board Market Maker List here
TSX Market Makers List here
Level 2 quotes can tell you a lot about what is happening with a given stock:
You can tell what kind of buying is taking place - retail or institutional - by looking at the type of market participants involved. Large institutions do not use the same market makers as retail traders.
If you look at ECN order sizes for irregularities, you can tell when institutional players are trying to keep the buying quiet (which can mean a buyout or accumulation is taking place). We'll take a look at how you can detect similar irregularities below.
By trading with the ax when the price is trending, you can greatly increase your odds of a successful trade. Remember, the ax provides liquidity, but its traders are out there to make a profit just like anyone else.
By looking for trades that take place in between the bid and ask, you can tell when a strong trend is about to come to an end. This is because these trades are often placed by large traders who take a small loss in order to make sure that they get out of the stock in time.
Tricks and Deception
Although watching the level 2 can tell you a lot about what is happening, there is also a lot of deception. Here are a few of the most common tricks played by Market Makers. It’s not easy to tell when these methods are applicable and when there is no real pattern:
Market makers can hide their order sizes by placing small orders and updating them whenever they get a fill. They do this in order to unload or pick up a large order without tipping off other traders and scaring them away. After all, nobody is going to attempt to push through a 500,000 share resistance, but if a persistent 10,000 share resistance is there, traders may still think it is a beatable barrier.
Market makers also occasionally try to deceive other traders using their order sizes and timing. These types of orders are called NITBB or NITSO (No Intention to Buy Bid or No Intention to Sell Offer). When using this technique, the market participant displays a huge size greatly exceeding all others seen on Level 2. Most often it’s done in order to provoke traders to move in the opposite direction, as they are trying to undercut this big size or to get in or out “front running” this size.
Example: If some player wants to accumulate shares at $5.90 while the market is at $5.98 x 10, he can try and display a huge size at $6.02, spooking traders into selling. Meanwhile our player places a bid for small shares at $5.90 with a reserve order for the amount of shares he needs, thus absorbing the selling. When he is done buying, he cancels his sell order. Of course this technique could now be used to propel the stock up. If a quick profit was the original intention of our player, he can do just that by selling his accumulated shares at a higher price. More often, this technique is used simply to accumulate shares when building big position. Needless to say, this can be done only on thinly traded issues – an attempt to do something like this on AAPL will be doomed. This also carries a certain risk – there could be someone attracted by big size to initiate or liquidate his position, and if that happens, our player will be stuck with big position against his original intention.A trader can try and use this situation for a scalp in the opposite direction, buying when the accumulation is done and big intimidating size disappears.A variation of this technique would be to drive a stock to a certain price level by following it with a bid or an offer which stays slightly away from the inside market and chases it as a price moves. If a stock trades at $5.98 x 10 and our player wants it at, say $6.20 to start unloading his position or for whatever reason, he displays big size at $5.93 for instance, and trails it higher as a stock moves higher but stays behind the best bid all the time.In both cases such a “fake” order is usually easy to spot given two signs. Firstly, such an order most often stays slightly away from the inside market. Secondly, if some trades are executed against this order, it usually disappears immediately.
Using big order size for attraction is a directly opposite scenario. When a player has a big position to sell and he senses some buyers are looking for a size to buy, he can try and display big size in order to attract a buyer by opportunity to build his position in a single hit. This involves differentiation between this situation and the one we described earlier, when appearance of a big size will spook traders. An experienced trader working big orders usually possesses such skill (although he won’t be guarantied from mistakes of course).A trader can use this situation as an indication of some institutional interest in a stock. Considering that big institutional firms use a much longer time frame, there is no guarantee that a stock is going to move right away, but it’s worth keeping an eye on for signs of movement starting.
There are cases when a big player interested in a stock, builds his position as a stock moves. There is already interest in a stock aside from his interest, maybe as a result of some news event. Trying to get as much shares as possible at more favorable prices, our player can apply combinations of methods described above. The player will show big sizes trying to cap the movement and provoke pullback which he will be using to accumulate more shares. The player will have to be very careful to avoid being “steamrolled’ by hot buying. As he maneuvers, his movements sometimes can be read. This is dangerous and fast game, for our player as well as for a trader that tries to utilize his moves. If he is using ECNs to mask his identity, this becomes even more of an art. Used in conjunction with chart reading, these observations can provide additional clues for timely entry and exit.
Market makers can also hide their actions by trading through ECNs. Remember, ECNs can be used by anyone, so it is often difficult to tell whether large ECN orders are retail or institutional.
Level 2 can give you unique insight into a stock's price action, but there are also a lot of things that market makers can do to disguise their true intentions. Therefore, the average trader cannot rely on Level 2 alone. Rather, he or she should use it in conjunction with other forms of analysis when determining whether to buy or sell a stock.
Understanding Level 2 And Market Makers
Written by Stockalyzer
Market data includes various pricing information (such as the most recently traded price), and various volume information (such as the number of contracts that were most recently traded). Market data is available in two different levels, with level 1 providing the basic trading information, and level 2 providing some additional trading information.
Level 1 Market Data
Level 1 market data provides all of the trading information that most day traders need, including the following :
Bid Price - The highest price that a trader is willing to pay to buy a contract (or share). This is the price that will be received for any market orders to sell a contract.
Bid Size - The number of contracts (or shares) that are available at the bid price. When this number of contracts have been traded, the bid price will move down to the next highest price.
Ask Price - The lowest price that a trader is willing to accept to sell a contract (or share). This is the price that will be received for any market orders to buy a contract.
Ask Size - The number of contracts (or shares) that are available at the ask price. When this number of contracts have been traded, the ask price will move up to the next lowest price.
Last Price - The most recently traded price. This is also known as the closing price, if it is the last price traded in the trading session (i.e. trading day).
Last Size - The number of contracts (or shares) that were most recently traded.
Level 2 Market Data
Level 2 market data provides some additional trading information that is used with trading systems that follow the order flow, such as scalping trading systems or advanced volume based trading systems. The additional trading information includes the following :
Highest Bid Prices - The highest five prices that traders are willing to pay to buy a contract (or share).
Bid Sizes - The number of contracts (or shares) that are available at each of the bid prices. When each of these number of contracts have been traded, the current bid price (included with level 1) will move down to the next level 2 bid price.
Lowest Ask Prices - The lowest five prices that traders are willing to accept to sell a contract (or share).
Ask Sizes - The number of contracts (or shares) that are available at each of the ask prices. When this number of contracts have been traded, the current ask price (included with level 1) will move up to the next level 2 ask price.
Level 2 market data is also known as the order book. When orders are placed, they are placed through many different market makers and other market participants. Level 2 will show you a ranked list of the best bid and ask prices from each of these participants, giving you detailed insight into the price action, including the market depth. Knowing exactly who has an interest in a stock can be extremely useful, especially if you are day trading.
This is what a level 2 quote looks like:
This tell us that NSDQ has a bid of 20,500 shares of stock at a price of $5.49 and the right side tells us that NSDQ wants to sell 14,385 shares at a price of $5.50.
Now let's take a look at the market participants.
The Players
There are three different types of players in the marketplace:
Market Makers (MM) - These are the players who provide liquidity in the marketplace. This means that they are required to buy when nobody else is buying and sell when nobody else is selling. They make the market. In other words, the Market Maker buys and sells the stock to brokerage firms.
Electronic Communication Networks (ECN) - It is an electronic system that brings buyers and sellers together for the electronic execution of trades. It disseminates information to interested parties about the orders entered into the network and allows these orders to be executed. It is important to note that anyone can trade through ECNs, even large institutional traders.
Wholesalers (Order flow firms) - Many online brokers sell their order flow to wholesalers; these order flow firms then execute orders on behalf of online brokers (usually retail traders).
The Ax
The most important market maker to look for is called the ax. This is the market maker that controls the price action in a given stock. You can find out which market maker this is by watching the level II action for a few days - the market maker who consistently dominates the price action is the ax. The ax isn't always trading the stock in one direction or another. Sometime he is keeping it in a tight range and sometimes he is not there at all and another ax may step forward. Note that there are times where there is no ax present. The point is the ax is the one to watch closer than all other parties or MMs. Many day traders make sure to trade with the ax because it typically results in a higher probability of success. Note that the ax is not static. On any given day any party can be an ax, there may be one ax in the morning and another in the afternoon. If a big order comes onto the trading desk of a firm that doesn't do big volume in a certain name, the ax will take care of it and command the action. An ax can easily use an ECN to hide much of their action. They can and will use fake outs. Keeping an eye on Level 2 will reveal the ax.
Each market participant is recognized by the four-letter ID that appears on level II quotes. Here are some of the most popular ones: NITE, ETRD, SCHB, TDCM & ARCA.
NITE - wholesaler
SCHB - wholesaler
TDCM - retailer
ETRD - retail ECN
NITE : This is the king MM of the OTCBB. He intimides traders and other MMs use that to their advantage knowing that he scares them. That's why NITE is the shaker on most stock runs; he is the most common ax. NITE could be on the ask all the time, he could be leading a dip scaring sellers to SCHB and TDCM on the bid.
Wholesalers : ETRD, HRZG, MASH, NITE, SHWB
Big Shorters : JIMK, POND, GNET or ARCA (anyone can use GNET, even other MMs because it's an ECN).
TDCM - retailer MM.
NASDAQ Market Maker List here
OTC Bulletin Board Market Maker List here
TSX Market Makers List here
Level 2 quotes can tell you a lot about what is happening with a given stock:
You can tell what kind of buying is taking place - retail or institutional - by looking at the type of market participants involved. Large institutions do not use the same market makers as retail traders.
If you look at ECN order sizes for irregularities, you can tell when institutional players are trying to keep the buying quiet (which can mean a buyout or accumulation is taking place). We'll take a look at how you can detect similar irregularities below.
By trading with the ax when the price is trending, you can greatly increase your odds of a successful trade. Remember, the ax provides liquidity, but its traders are out there to make a profit just like anyone else.
By looking for trades that take place in between the bid and ask, you can tell when a strong trend is about to come to an end. This is because these trades are often placed by large traders who take a small loss in order to make sure that they get out of the stock in time.
Tricks and Deception
Although watching the level 2 can tell you a lot about what is happening, there is also a lot of deception. Here are a few of the most common tricks played by Market Makers. It’s not easy to tell when these methods are applicable and when there is no real pattern:
Market makers can hide their order sizes by placing small orders and updating them whenever they get a fill. They do this in order to unload or pick up a large order without tipping off other traders and scaring them away. After all, nobody is going to attempt to push through a 500,000 share resistance, but if a persistent 10,000 share resistance is there, traders may still think it is a beatable barrier.
Market makers also occasionally try to deceive other traders using their order sizes and timing. These types of orders are called NITBB or NITSO (No Intention to Buy Bid or No Intention to Sell Offer). When using this technique, the market participant displays a huge size greatly exceeding all others seen on Level 2. Most often it’s done in order to provoke traders to move in the opposite direction, as they are trying to undercut this big size or to get in or out “front running” this size.
Example: If some player wants to accumulate shares at $5.90 while the market is at $5.98 x 10, he can try and display a huge size at $6.02, spooking traders into selling. Meanwhile our player places a bid for small shares at $5.90 with a reserve order for the amount of shares he needs, thus absorbing the selling. When he is done buying, he cancels his sell order. Of course this technique could now be used to propel the stock up. If a quick profit was the original intention of our player, he can do just that by selling his accumulated shares at a higher price. More often, this technique is used simply to accumulate shares when building big position. Needless to say, this can be done only on thinly traded issues – an attempt to do something like this on AAPL will be doomed. This also carries a certain risk – there could be someone attracted by big size to initiate or liquidate his position, and if that happens, our player will be stuck with big position against his original intention.A trader can try and use this situation for a scalp in the opposite direction, buying when the accumulation is done and big intimidating size disappears.A variation of this technique would be to drive a stock to a certain price level by following it with a bid or an offer which stays slightly away from the inside market and chases it as a price moves. If a stock trades at $5.98 x 10 and our player wants it at, say $6.20 to start unloading his position or for whatever reason, he displays big size at $5.93 for instance, and trails it higher as a stock moves higher but stays behind the best bid all the time.In both cases such a “fake” order is usually easy to spot given two signs. Firstly, such an order most often stays slightly away from the inside market. Secondly, if some trades are executed against this order, it usually disappears immediately.
Using big order size for attraction is a directly opposite scenario. When a player has a big position to sell and he senses some buyers are looking for a size to buy, he can try and display big size in order to attract a buyer by opportunity to build his position in a single hit. This involves differentiation between this situation and the one we described earlier, when appearance of a big size will spook traders. An experienced trader working big orders usually possesses such skill (although he won’t be guarantied from mistakes of course).A trader can use this situation as an indication of some institutional interest in a stock. Considering that big institutional firms use a much longer time frame, there is no guarantee that a stock is going to move right away, but it’s worth keeping an eye on for signs of movement starting.
There are cases when a big player interested in a stock, builds his position as a stock moves. There is already interest in a stock aside from his interest, maybe as a result of some news event. Trying to get as much shares as possible at more favorable prices, our player can apply combinations of methods described above. The player will show big sizes trying to cap the movement and provoke pullback which he will be using to accumulate more shares. The player will have to be very careful to avoid being “steamrolled’ by hot buying. As he maneuvers, his movements sometimes can be read. This is dangerous and fast game, for our player as well as for a trader that tries to utilize his moves. If he is using ECNs to mask his identity, this becomes even more of an art. Used in conjunction with chart reading, these observations can provide additional clues for timely entry and exit.
Market makers can also hide their actions by trading through ECNs. Remember, ECNs can be used by anyone, so it is often difficult to tell whether large ECN orders are retail or institutional.
Level 2 can give you unique insight into a stock's price action, but there are also a lot of things that market makers can do to disguise their true intentions. Therefore, the average trader cannot rely on Level 2 alone. Rather, he or she should use it in conjunction with other forms of analysis when determining whether to buy or sell a stock.