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we should be moving north soon with a vengeance, this baby been down here too long. We need a nice press release with a powerful vision on our future, this fall is a new beginning for us, hopefully we will see soon. The 10 q should be more positive with income from new accounts the share on their Instagram account. grabbing more very soon
BrewBilt Strong
It's easy to roll the dice on this one. It doesn't get any cheaper and this is an actual company operating and generating revenue on the OTC.
It wouldn't hurt to start using their social media outlets better. Nothing gets more business than word of mouth and that is done today via social media.
What's the expectations on the Q? I haven't been keeping up like I should have.
Has the company put out any guidance or info on their social media improvement? Their Twitter/X hasn't been used in a while.
10 q should be coming out at the end of week, 8/15 hoping no delays, still not knowing what's going on at their sister sight, not up and running yet. bbrw
BrewBilt Strong
Today has been the best volume day since February 17th, ~ 27,032,676 volume before price. Do it Bennett just do it... BRBL
Keep your eyes on the ball!
BrewBilt Strong
We have to also keep an eye on brewbilt manufacturing. there website is down? no clue why
But brbl is moving in the right direction for sure and grabbing more next week before this baby bounces out of the sub-basement area for good
Good to see a heartbeat again, should be a very impressive drive north into fall. The timing is right for a press release that is very positive and with great numbers off new accounts. Full Steam ahead.
BrewBilt Strong
Only 30,000 shares on the Ask as of moments ago!
the move north is just around the corner, feeling it and we have been patient for the longest time, See you at launch pad for take off my fellow longs, also there 10q is coming next month in a few weeks we hope, with no delays, very impressive for what we have accomplished in the little time they become brewbilt brewing Amen
On one of the financial news channels this morning, they reported that the betting odds of a Federal Reserve interest rate decrease in September are now 100%. So hopefully by this fall the company will be announcing their growth strategy for 2025 as by this upcoming winter/early spring rates could be low enough to get a big, non-convertible loan to really scale the company. At least that's what I would like to see.
At the very least, I figure the promissory note holders have to be content with their loans to the company as the company should be making adequate profits in order to pay the interest on those loans.
First thing I'm really looking for here is for the Federal Reserve to start dropping interest rates. I've seen financial analysts speculate that they could start dropping this month, as a long shot, but more likely the first wave of cuts could be in September. Until those rates get much lower, it doesn't make much sense to try and get land development or construction loans to expand the business.
I dig this company. Whether we get news soon or later is okay with me. I've see two other breweries in my area grow to large breweries and the key thing was that it simply takes time in this industry to become a big player... like 5 to 7 years to really get rolling. BRBL has been at it for about 3 years now.
Besides the great success they are having with their beer distribution and the tap room, they still have that one massive advantage of being able to make their own brewing or beverage equipment whenever they're ready to scale to the next level.
In the meantime, I keep trying to find a way to add a massive number of shares but making profits in the OTC during the summer months is a little challenging for me.
That Google photo on Summit Way in Grass Valley from back in March still showed lots of work to be done by the city to finish the road area, plus that neighborhood next to that site looks to be on hold for some reason. Usually I like to see the neighborhood go in before retail establishments. Maybe that's not the right sight for now.
A cool place would be that brick building across the street from the Brewhaus tap room. Since the Brewhaus seems to be cool space, it would be sweet if they could just expand it into a large brewery right across the street.
In any case, I'm here for the long haul as this crew always seems to be able to produce excellent products in any form. I'm confident they have the skills and drive to become a very substantial business someday, even if it take a couple of more years.
with some news this will skyrocket, there doing very well on all cylinders now, and there 10q will be out in august, that should look really good.
BrewBilt Strong
Back up to 24 million shares on the Ask.
Is something up? Ask is now under 15 million shares. Did someone cancel their sell orders or did they expire, OR, are we about to see some news? The mystery continues.
they are adding new accounts every day it seems, with them posting it, and there tap room also looks to be a homerun, there is no doubt in my mind this stock will come alive sooner than later with an update on what is in their minds for the future. I'm adding more and more to my position when I can
BrewBilt Strong and Long
The tap room has had a couple of months of spring/summer weather. Another 2-3 months of profits and they should be feeling ambitious enough to make another move of some sort. I don't think the crew ever planned on just being a single site brewery/taproom. They appear to have much greater goals in mind, especially with insiders owning a boatload of common shares. Still might take several years to start approaching tens of millions in annual revenue but it's the only ticket I see that would allow them to retire in style with all of their shares someday. I'll take a guess and say we're within 3 to 4 months of getting some uplifting news about a decent expansion of some sort. Otherwise, just waiting patiently as I think they'll grow substantially over time.
They've got to get a new accountant now its bullshit more delays
there shares structure is still the same, no more delusion for now and there tap room seems to be booming and I would not be surprised at all within the next couple of months a run north for sure, Let's keep our fingers crossed.
BrewBilt Brewing got a 3rd place medal this year from the California State Fair, in a different category, for Brain Bypass. That should help keep the kegs flowing via their distributor.
Link to BRBL Facebook page.
I've heard about that possibility. If not that, I'm quite sure that at some point the company will feel ambitious again, expanding in some new unknown direction, hopefully another taproom where the odds of strong profit margins are good.
Since they don't seem to need to raise any new convertible debt because of the profit margins at the BrewHaus taproom, the stock might finally make a substantial run this year. The company is certainly in a much better position than two years ago.
I think the easy path forward is to start working on another BrewHaus is another location as the first one seems to be running on all cylinders. And, insiders own a ton of common stock!
Not sure if it will happen but in 2021 there was a week of OTC maniac runs on speculation of mergers and acquisitions , I've heard it could happen again in 2024 as the OTC is heating up again.
BRBL Can't wait to see it take off!
Taproom sales in Q1 were $217,815. That is quite impressive for the winter months.
You're welcome. And now the 1st quarter filing looks encouraging! Even just organic growth of 300%-400% per year could make this a substantial company someday. I still have a bunch of shares!
I guess between the taproom and the new distributor, BRBL looks to be on track for meaningful growth going forward. I mean how hard would it be to add one or two distributors per year for other parts of the state.
Wow, nice, that's pretty impressive for the winter months! Maybe the stock will stir back to life in the near future.
Moving on up. Nice turn around
BrewBilt Strong
10q is out -
Looks like a net profit this quarter of $63,887
Ask size back up to over 235 million shares lulz. No one buying this pig though.
Ask size back up to over 247 million shares lulz. No one buying this pig though.
Thanks downdraft, still hoping I'm right. BRBL
Ever since insiders converted preferred shares into billions of shares of common stock last year, I became much more optimistic that they would not do anything that would hurt shareholders. I was further encouraged by the large amount of promissory notes that they have been getting for funding, rather than having to rely exclusively on convertible debt.
My expectation of a reverse split wasn't for the purpose of diluting shareholders by raising more convertible debt, rather simply to readjust the share structure to be more in line with other public companies in the beer industry. I figured some people would panic sell anyway so I could scoop up a lot more shares before the price quickly returned to its' original post-adjusted price, with no loss in actual value.
I think the growing taproom and wholesale sales will be enough to allow them to grow steadily but I really wanted to see the hospitality franchise contract or Phase II brewery at least break ground this year. Hopefully they'll surprise me yet!
While I've always expected another reverse split
Actually I have not, with BRBL raising the A/S to 100,000,000,000 (yes one hundred BILLION) on 04/22/2024 actually way before that this was just an update and glad to see he didn't lower it, LoL... I don't think Bennett Buchanan can do another R/S I am hoping here they have reached the max on any R/S here with BRBL they have already had 5 R/S here. JMO. BRBL