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Someone is slowly buying for whatever reason.
This thing looks like it's ready to go to DA MOON. blastoff........
Or a gallon of gas to go steal some chickens. It's all perspective
Hey Frankie, $3.00 buys you a half a dozen eggs. Nothing to sneeze at....
Thank you for getting out of this pig and letting it climb to 3 dollars
I knew when I got out of this pig it would go up. Up $3.00... Yup, It's climbing...
hey someone bought 3 BUCKS worth this garbage today...Does that mean wall-e world, joe-e (living in moms basement), and the other CLOWNS on this board are gonna buy their bentleys now?? losers...i told you last YEAR to sell when you had the chance, but you greedy pigs honestly thought this TRASH stock was going to make you rich...its sad.
i told you chumps this stock wasnt going anywhere, and you think you are smart by going to the "other' forum to pump this stock...I shall visit that one next and start The Great Work of roasting you on there now, and making sure this GARBAGE stock never goes anywhere
$2,378.26 to be exact. That's it man.
oh no you its time to "get you"......First of all, you didnt lose 2400 on this stock , you lost about double that, which just happened to be every penny (and then some) that you HAD ....You losst every god damm cent that you saved from your confirmation money, paper router from when you were 13,and even borrowed a few hundred from your "friends" because you thought this stock was going "to DA MOON".....You sat here week after week, year after year CLAIMING bullSH*T storys like "investors are just on a long holiday", and more loaded garbage about filings and this crap and that crap, TRYING to LURE other investors into this GARBAGE WORTHLESS DUNG of a stock....I effectively stopped you dead in your tracks....You are living in your moms basesment, you made ZEROOOO DOLLARS back on ANY stock, you are just talking smack ...ANY FKIN FOOL can say "i bought google stock at 5 dollars and made a killing"...But the bottom line is, your a fkin liar, you have no money, you lose EVERYTHING on this garbage, and yet continued to "pump" it with your TO DA MOON and "WHAT COLOR BENTLEYS WE BUYING"...the sad sad sad part is, you REAALLY believed even up until last year this POS SCAM FAKE stock was going to a penny.....Your rediculous, your a fool, and your dead broke, and i GOT YOU BOY, I TORED YOUR CHUNKY A$$ UP along with "franksredhotsauce" (who lives in India by the way).....Now if you want another lesson, keep lying about how you bought other stocks and made a fortune, i'll tear you up more boy.yyyyyyyy
Socco? I have to ask you, About how much money did you invest in this pig ? I invested just shy of $2.400.00, Which i made back 25 TIMES on Diamond back energy.. Ticker (FANG)..
I told you back when the stock was below $16 a share to jump in on this... I made back the $2,400.00 in less than an hour that day. Why don't you do your homework on a stock and make back your money... You're only making a fool of yourself, No one else. ( No one in this room ( especially me) cares that i lost the $2,400 ), Because i made it back real quick.. Call it luck, Call it what you will. Those are the chances you take on "stocks" like these.. If those were your last dollars on this thing i can understand why you're so bitter.. Buy a cd or money market account. The rates are good for the moment. Move on brother...
The only person who can guarantee this doesn't move is dublow. You're dublow. Having a good laugh sir?
ive already explained that a matter of fact, i would NOT doubt for a SECOND that YOU are either du-blow himself, OR one of his cronys...but listen boy, and listen good...i told you YEARS AGO that this stock would NOT go up ONE TIC under my watch, and i have kept true to my word...Now YOU fool, have lost ALL, and i have seen to lose fool....dublow stole my money ten years ago, and i have made SURE he did not revive this SCAM ....YOU LOSE CHUMPS
How did dubeau lose?
hey did that FAKE come back work out for ya?? thought you would pump 5 grand into this stock early last year and others would follow.....DIDNT WORK OUT DID IT FOOL...HAHAHAHHAHAHAH
you chumps lost and you lost so bad...hahahhahaha......i told you fools that this stock was going NO WHERE......go buy your bentley MATCH BOX cars...HAHAHAH
wallstreet, franksredhot, and joe-e, I thoroughly TRASHED you clowns and FULLY put you in your place...I WON FOOLS...GAME OVER...DUBEAU LOST BIG TIME....AHHAHAAHAHAHH
you nailed it.
what happens next? deleted by sec?
Oops. Shares trading today. Lmao.
like i said, NOT ONE SHARE....not ONEEEEE SHARE has been traded on this POS DEAD STOCK since people dumped them at end of 2022 for tax write offs......NOT ONE SHARE traded this this GARBAGE get delisted NOW....HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
anyone notice how this GARBAGE stock has not traded ONE SHARE......NOT ONE SHARE since january 1st?? because like i said, a few of the chumps finally sold/donated their positions at END of 2022 for tax write will NOT SEE A SHARE TRADED from this stock for this entire year, until delisting...MARK MY WORDS.....FOOLS......i won baby, i won !
Actually, been driving my beand new Bentley when not flying on my new Lear. Fomo is real - perfectly displayed by you. Can’t just share the Atnp opportunity, can you. Woot woot.
notice the ZEROOOO volume since the new year?? and there was volume every day at the end of december?? thats because people who wised up FINALLY wrote these garbage shares off that counted them as "volume" willl see ZERO movement going forward....I told you dubeau FOOL, not on my watch boyyyyyyyyyyy....Now, i beat you, and i beat you GOOD...tahts what you GET for stealing my money! hahahaahaha...I WON BOYYY
cmon wallstreetfool and wallysworld, why arent you flapping your jaws about buying a bently on this stock?? cmon, let me HEAR THE BS HYPE....hahahahah...wallstreet lost his life savings on ths stock, and wallysworld still lives in his mamas basement
ps...for FOOLS like "franksredhotsauce" and otheres here who THINK that "wow this stock is showing promise, been some activity lately"...--ITS JUST PEOPLE LIKE JOE WHO FINALLY WISED UP AND SOLD THEIR JUNK GARBAGE STOCKS at END OF YEAR for tax write offs....YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE BUYING A BENTLY ANYTIME SOON SO DO NOT try to pump this stock up or make fake allegations that its "showing signs of life"/interest...DAMM FOOLS
only took him 12 years to figure out this POS will never , ever, ever ever ever go up even ONE TIC......delisting for 2023 early guarenteedd............and tell me ONCE i was wrong?
No joke Frankie..... Sold all shares to take my loss for tax purposes. Over 12 years long enough for me.
And what about Me? I lost the password to my trading account so I can't sell. Do I not have at least have a brain? Joe just flirting with you. We all know that mf didn't sell his bentely bags. Use your noggin lmao
Joe-E at least has half a brain to toss in the towel.....WallstreetFool still thinks because this traded ten "bucks" worth the stock in the last month he is somehow going to buy a new house and new car? WHAT THE hell are you SMOKING WALLSTREETFOOL
This dawg is gone.. Claiming this turkey on my taxes. May the rest of you get your Bentley's. Adios amigos...
Nobody kicks a dead dog.
Counting on it my friend. And holding my shares close.
Who can buy this? They must know something
someone bought a dollar sixty worth the stock the other day, and you fkin clowns think your going to buy bentleys and "to do mooo"? fkin REJECT IDIOTS like you guys deserve to lose EVERY CENT YOU HAVE...
Yeahhhh baby moon moon
Wallstreet we mooning 2023! Remember get to .10 you will have a nice pearl white Bentley!
Back here as well. End of year part? Beginning of new year party? What’s the filing about?
What's up my fellow Penny connoisseur
And we meet again
now im gonna git you boy gonna ROAST this stock from now til its delisted.
I'll admit I lost everything in this stock. It was tough times for me. Had to cook meals from food in my fridge instead of eating takeout for a day or two but I persevered. I'd ask you not to leave but I know Joe won't admit to anything other than the color of the week for his Bentley. Thanks for the laughs
I am surprised it hasn't been de-listed by now.
also, comments like this from Joe-E are a big part of the reason i will NEVER leave this board, and
when this fool (joe) ADMITS publicly he LOST 100% of his investment here, and this stock will NEVERRRR go up ONE tic, and he will NEVER be buying a bently or any OTHER thing from this stock, THEN, i may go away....but until then, he's gonna get roasted like a marshmellow
Re: None
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 10:17:15 PM
of 33135
MS. socco.... Can you say LIFTOFF? This baby is ready to fly.
FranksRedHotsauce , im; just curious....why would you be "excited" that this POS went into bankruptcy status? LOL....please , honestly, enlighten me..
maybe if dublow didnt steal THOUSANDS of dollars off me over ten years ago, i wouldnt be here.........but i feel it my obligation to stay here to make SURE he doesnt scam anyone else with this POS .. I told you boy, not on my watch....give up already dublow...i wont rest until this garbage is delisted.