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Re: threewheeler post# 8003

Tuesday, 12/11/2012 11:57:32 AM

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 11:57:32 AM

Post# of 31664
part one; this is writer's respect to SAGDSAGD/12-10-12
writer Special Situation Newsletter #26 - July 8, 2011

mick chat to ceo yesterday!
this deal didn't workout due to mining changes in this area of claim!

Start-up South American Gold Corp. (SAGD.OB) offers an early bird adventure in going after three separate multi-million ounce gold plays in one of the least explored most promising gold development areas left on the planet.

To add to its initial Santacruz Property SAGD's goal is to make two more major new Columbian acquisitions. As our future national debt rockets toward $70 trillion and the buying power of our U.S. paper currency continuously deteriorates going for gold never made more sense. July 8, 2011

Newsletters have been opened by two to three million online investors. We have an amazing open rate range of 20% to 33%. If you have not already done so, please join our financial family.

the reading above show influence one has on open market;

Doomsayers argue we are in the eye of a financial hurricane which will plunge our U.S. economy double dipping into a new Great Depression and a new stock market crash.

Reported inflation, which ignores the higher costs of driving your car or feeding your family,is relatively low in the U.S. as we keep our interest rates artificially low. Spendthrift global leaders are destroying every currency including our own.

Zimbabwe's 10 trillion dollar note is only the beginning and reminiscent of the famous Vampire note in pre Hitler Germany where the engraver who designed the honest worker added a lessvisible vampire sucking the life's blood from his throat. Today many hard -working, middle-class Americans feel like that worker too. No wonder we have a Tea Party!

The Euro is collapsing and the U.S. dollar untrustworthy. The U.S. government continues to spend money it doesn't have-an out of control reality you and I must face. Over the long run the price of gold should continue to rise as frighten investors everywhere flee the depreciation of their currencies caused by spendthrift politicians whose refusal to stop spending fuels a continuous flight from the risk of holding currency and its equivalents. Unless our elected Big Spenders make an unlikely U turn, a $70trillion national debt awaits in our future.

Worry over paper currency is worldwide, not just in the U.S. where Jimmy Rogers has appeared on television stating our currency will become worthless. Over the next decade or so Rogers sees the price of gold, which even after recently correcting from its all time high was back up to about $1,544 an ounce, rising to the $3,000 to $5,000 level.

It is simply part of a long run shift to holding more hard assets as spendthrift governments all over the globe spend more than they can afford triggering inflation. The new middle classes of China and India by buying all sorts of things lift the price of commodities like energy and other basic commodities needed to expand infrastructure.

On gold specifically, nations like China and India are buying gold. So are their people who want another store of value than currency. Jewelry also has become hot again.

Huge demand has come from gold ETFs and also from hedge funds speculating in the barbaric metal. While mining companies have rushed to develop and produce more gold, production increases take time. Mine output expanded 7% in 2009 but only 3% last year. By 2014 mine production should actually start dropping and gold demand could outstrip supply for several years.

Flight from the risk of currency devaluation and diversification from paper currencies are lasting trends with the U.S. governments, federal, state and local all overextended.

We are not Doomsayers. Still, the purchasing power of currency will continue decline, some years faster some slower, but steadily. So owning hard assets and having some percentage of gold and gold stocks in your overall portfolio never made more sense.

No matter what happens our currency is going to lose more of its spending power annually. Our late financial pathfinder Sir John Templeton's basic tenet was that none of us would ever live to see another year when a U.S. dollar bought as much in December as it did in January. Long run, based upon his reliance on the Power of Positive Thinking , Sir John remained convinced that still evolving mankind would improve to keep making the world better , even as all the paper currencies of the world would continue to depreciate and buy less and less. It is nothing to panic about; it is just a fact of life we all should take into consideration like death and taxes.

At FFN we are thrilled this issueto publish the very first article anywhere on South AmericanGold Corp. (SAGD.OB) , an exciting new early stage gold development company and its daring entrepreneurial efforts to discover three multi-million ounce gold properties in the least explored formerly most dangerous and therefore least picked over part of newly safe Columbia.

With an unusually experienced management team which really understands the local area, the enterprise has tremendous long run potential. That this story has not yet been told to investors is frosting on our cake. You are the first to get the story looking through entrepreneurial eyes of what SAGD could look like in a few years if SAGD's strategy unfolds as planned. Another scoop for writer.

pix of ceo;


this write up is huge imho.

International investors from Switzerland, Germany, U.K., Canada, Israel, Lebanon and Panama flew from Medellin over 500 miles deeper toward the Columbian border with Ecuador. Then the group transferred to military helicopters which landed guided by brush fires lit by heavily armed soldiers.

Everyone exiting, including South American Gold President Ray De Motte (left) and Editor Bob Flaherty (right) , was ordered to keep moving quickly because FARC guerillas were rumored to be in the area. Next came a bumpy winding ride up around a mountain to the still operating but antiquated El Diamente Mine, which also not only serves as a base camp for South American Gold but for local security too.

The initial Santacruz Gold Project is the first of De Motte's three daring entrepreneurial efforts to discover three separate multimillion ounce gold properties in the least explored formerly most dangerous and therefore least picked over part of newly safe Columbia. With an unusually experienced management team which really understands the local area, this new enterprise has tremendous long run potential.

South American Gold Corp. (SAGD.OB)

Start-up South American Gold Corp. (SAGD.OB) offers an early bird adventure in going after three separate multi-million ounce gold plays in one of the least explored most promising gold development areas left on the planet. To add to its initial Santacruz project SAGD's goal is to make two more major new Columbian acquisitions. As our future national debt rockets toward $70 trillion and the buying power of our U.S. paper currency continuously deteriorates going for gold never made more sense.


Recent Price: $0.47 Balance Sheet as March 31, 2011 (Unaudited)

Market Capitalization: $37.2 million Total Assets: $1.2 million
Recent Trading Range: $0.41-1.10 Total Liabilities: $0.2 million

Shares Outstanding: 79.2 million Shareholders' Equity: $1 million

Float Outstanding: 66.2 million

update from ray yesterday;



ray said check website for more updates;



High Hopes: Last March 23 to 28 in addition to viewing the initial gold project of South American Gold Corp., I attended an International gold investing conference in Columbia's totally modernized Medellin .

Locally proud of being the city of the perpetual spring because of the evenness of its temperature, Medellin in l999 was correctly avoided as "the murder capital of the world." In contrast, Medellin received a well deserved award in 2009 as "the safest city in South America.

" This dramatic transformation in Columbia has created an exciting investment opportunity for South American Gold Corp. (SAGD.OB) and its entrepreneur President and CEO Ray De Motte featured this issue.

With the entire world to choose from, De Motte has focused on the potentially rich Santacruz prospect in Guachaves, located in the Department (state) of Nariño, Columbia where pastsecurity problems like worries executives and workers might be kidnapped and held for ransomfrightened off mining prospectors.

Daringly, his strategy is to seek his riches in parts of Columbia like SAGD's initial Santacruz Project near the border with Ecuador which are newly safe enough to develop but are not picked over and bid up like many other parts of Columbia.

In addition, De Motte wants to make two new acquisitions at hopefully bargain prices in similar newly safe areas to diversify risk. After proper and necessary, but time consuming steps are taken, SAGD hopes that each of the three projects will reveal a multi-million ounce gold deposit or more.

If just one of the three projects clicks, SAGD will be made. If all three work out, early bird investors will share an El Dorado.

Now in the early formation stage, SAGD is setting the stage for four ways to win:
1.buying promising properties in past gold producing places which have not been picked over at bargain prices,

2.identifying potential multi-million ounce gold deposits and longer run benefiting from the increasing price of gold

3.also from proving up any deposits found from the inferred to indicated to measured categories.

Each deposit upgrade to a superior category would add a quantum value to the core company.

In Columbia where rich deposits abound to be discovered, lightening can strike. The stock of Ventana Gold, which had two projects in Columbia, went from $0.54 to $13 when it was taken over by AUX Canada owned by Brazilian billionaire Eike Batistia. Continental Gold with a mine in Columbia has gone from $0.50 to $8.25.

The goal of a Flaherty Special Situation is a gain of 50% to 100% over two years. We believe the stock of SAGD can reach possibly double that range and more if management executes its current plans and succeeds in identifying multiple multimillion ounce gold deposits.

The Dramatically Improved Business Environment in Columbia!

In just a decade Columbia has changed from one of the worst to one of the best places in which to do business and to invest. It now offers the best special situation opportunities for gold exploration and development in the mining world today.

Colombia's support of private initiative and market institutions so evident in numerous reforms has resulted in impressive economic progress. Colombians credit former President Alvaro Uribe and his successor President Juan Manuel Santos, a tough former Defense Minister, with ending the violence caused by the insurgency of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC) and jump-starting the country's economy.

Harvard and Oxford educated, Santos is continuing to stress safety, economic development and close cooperation with the U.S. military in keeping his defense forces up to snuff.

Neighbors are a big problem. Ecuador broke relations with Columbia after Columbia used deadly force to raid a FARC camp there. Venezuela's Hugo Chavez closed the border because Columbia allows the U.S. military the use of six bases. Captured records indicated Cuba-backed Chavez was helping to finance FARC which adds to the friction.

Still, in comparison with 13 years ago, individual safety and the possibility for economic development in Columbia is dramatically improved. To encourage their youth and create jobs Columbia is bending over backwards to assist companies in developing its natural resources.

i have to do in maybe part two or even part 3
ending here;