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Re: Dem Franchise Boyz post# 1623

Wednesday, 11/12/2008 12:24:03 PM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 12:24:03 PM

Post# of 41988
GREAT PURO INFO HERE. Found this report from last Feb. 08.
(Oldie but goodie!)

Research, Report & Profiling Services
Purio Inc.

Stock symbol: PURO.OB………..….……………….…………..Ave. Volume (3mos); 43,200)
Stock price 2/4/08: $.52……..……………..…………..Common shares (9/30/07: 55mm est)
60-day price range: $.50 - $.80…..….…………….…Equity market capitalization: $28.6mm

Recent News…..Stock Price…..Chart…..SEC Filings


Commercializing a patented technology for wastewater treatment, process water recycling, and drinking water production,


Purio Environmental Water Source, Inc. has made a Patent Cooperation Treaty patent application for a compact, lightweight, high-capacity multi-stage water clarifier. The PCT application covers all of the member countries -- 137 of them as of July 2007, including industrialized nations and many developing countries considered high-priority marketing opportunities for the Company.

Purio Environmental Water Source, Inc. has entered into a license agreement with UltraSafe Water Source for the marketing and distribution of UltraSafe's comprehensive line of in home drinking water purification equipment in Canada and the United States.

. Purio will be the only distributor of the equipment which consists of a top of the line, under the counter, reverse osmosis water purification system under the brand name of Guardian and complementary products such as shower filters.

. "The opportunity to have access to this type of equipment complements our larger proprietary commercial systems for water purification and extends our market reach into homes and small businesses across North America," according to Daryl English, President

On December 7, 2007, Purio Inc. (the "Company") (OTC BB:PURO.OB - News) entered into a Share Exchange Agreement (the "Agreement") with Purio Environmental Water Source, Inc. ("Purio"), a private Nevada corporation, and the shareholders of Purio.


Address: 2470 St. Rose Parkway, Suite 304, Henderson, Nevada, 89074

Telephone: (877) 512-1120

CEO: Earl M. Switenky, Chairman

Web Site:

State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization: NV

Transfer Agent: Empire stock Transfer Inc

Investor contact: Shawn Van Damme,, 877-512-1120



In its recent 33-page report, the WORLD WATER COMMISSION, whose sponsors include the United Nations and the World Bank, cites sobering facts about the current global water shortage, and the growing water crisis. In agreement with volumes of other reports citing specific chronic concerns about our planet’s water supply, this report highlights the acuteness of concern about quantity of, and quality of water available to humanity.

The report states that as a world resource, only 2.5% of the world’s water is not salty, and of that, two-thirds are locked up in the icecaps and glaciers. Of the remaining amount, some 20% is in areas too remote for human access, and of the remaining 80% about three-quarters comes as monsoons and floods, and is not captured for use by people. The remainder, our usable water resource, is less than .08 of one percent of our planet’s water. As a resource, it is precious indeed.

The report predicts that water use will increase 40 percent over the next 20 years because of increasing demands by industry, agriculture and urban areas. It states that 2000 tons of water are required to grow a ton of rice, and some 1000 tons of water to grow a ton of wheat. The United Nations estimates that some 36% of the world’s food production depends on irrigation. Climate change is reducing natural rainfall in formerly productive agricultural areas which places a greater strain on already limited irrigation systems. Human global population, projected at contemporary growth rates, is predicted to increase by 50% to reach nine billion well within the lifetime of many young people alive today.



. The patented technology (US Patent #5,904,855) has a broad range of applications and capabilities including wastewater treatment, process water recycling, and drinking water production, according to PURO.

. The technology works as a continuous-flow water/suspended-solids primary separation system.The process mechanically separates suspended solids from liquids, without the use of membranes or filters.

. When the technology is applied to residential wastewater, the solids can be further processed through various forms of bio-reduction technology including composting thereby creating a value-added by-product suitable for uses in agriculture, horticulture or landscaping. The liquid in turn, can be further refined through bio-filtration or ozonation to reduce biological oxygen demand; and may be economically sanitized by means of ultra-violet light or ozonation. The resulting product water meets stringent environmental disposal standards and becomes valuable for irrigation or other agricultural applications and in areas of scarcity, even for human reuse.

. The technology is capable of primary clarification of contaminated surface water, such as from ponds or rivers as a first stage in providing safe drinking water.

. Clarified water may be further sanitized by ozonation and polished by such means as Reverse Osmosis to become high-quality potable water.

Without membrane filtration

The Patented Purio Technology has the proven capability of separating the suspended solids from contaminated water (or residential waste-water) in the same way as the large- scale technology, but at smaller scale, portable capacity. In the primary stage of clarification the equipment clarifies water on a flow-through basis without using membrane filtration, according to PURO, reducing expenses and environmental challenges associated with filter maintenance and replacement.


. Because it is modular in design, with each module easily handling flows of 10,000 USG/dayPurio can design installations to accommodate varying capacity requirements. Unlike large scale systems, it is a closed unit that emits no odors and is almost silent in its operation. It is capable of producing sanitary clarified water without the use of chlorine.

. In the past, equipment designed to process in the 50 cubic meter range (10,000-13,000

USG per day) has relied on clarifying the water by filtering it through membrane style filters and then attempting to sanitize it using heavy doses of Chlorine

R&D Expenditures

R&D expenditures and other expenses relating to the development of the technology exceeded $7 million, according to PURO


. At a cost of over $250,000 the performance of the PURIO technology was monitored and evaluated by Canadian Environmental Technology Advancement Corporation- West (CETAC-WEST).

. The comprehensive evaluation report is similar in most respects to USEPA or ISO 14023 protocols. Operational data from the plant, actually serving the wastewater treatment needs of a community of 120 homes was evaluated over a nine-month period.

. According to PURO, these report confirmed the unit’s ability, alone, to meet "enhanced primary" treatment objectives in terms of BOD (biological oxygen demand) and TSS (total suspended solids). It exceeded expectations by reaching "tertiary" standards in phosphorus removal. Coupled with accessory components, the treatment train met the even higher "tertiary" treatment efficiency in terms of BOD and TSS and phosphorus concentrations.


Smaller-scale "Batch" Unit Developed and old.

. Purio has successfully down-scaled the technology and employed it in a "batch" version of the clarifier that is successfully operating on location. The unit produces clarified water for domestic use and has been serving a rural household in Canada for three years with total success, according to PURO.

. The batch unit draws water from a lagoon (or dugout as it is sometimes called) that is overgrown by reeds and grasses and is frequented by abundant wildlife. This raw water has a green color and a strong odor making it unfit for human use.

. Source water is drawn into the unit, clarified and stored in a cistern. The clarification process removes all color and virtually all of the suspended solids, producing a clear, clean, odorless product.

. No further treatment is required for its use in laundry, toilets and bath use

R&D focus

. PURO continues its focus on research and has developed a second generation clarifier which utilizes the latest digital technology in its control system.

. Other design improvements have been incorporated to lower the cost of manufacturing, increase efficiency and economy of operation, reduce footprint size and simplify its operation.

. PURO continues to advance its product development in order to improve the efficiency of its operations and its ability to deliver strong products to global markets


PURO’s patented technology is applicable to a broad range of applications in both the residential and industrial markets. Target markets include both new and retro-fit residential applications and industrial water reclamation.

. Conventional waste-water treatment systems typically require much larger foot prints and larger initial capital outlays e.g. land for costly septic-field installations or lagoons.
. Where municipal sewer connections are non existent or limited the PURO technology, being odorless and almost silent in operation can be installed in virtually immediate proximity to the waste water source.
. Water reclamation in industrial processes where water availability is limited or expensive is a growing market ideally suited to our technology. Food processing and intensive livestock operations e.g. cow, swine and poultry barns are examples.
. The same technology is equally suited for the production of potable water, particularly where the water source is contaminated and dirty, a common situation found in many third world countries.


Distribution of the technology will require different channels depending upon the application of the technology.
. Markets for drinking water production are typically found in third world countries such as India, China, the African continent, etc. and Purio will license qualified local companies for the build and sale of units.
. The North American and European markets are more suitable to waste-water applications.
. In the latter case Purio intends to build, own and operate its larger units and generate service revenue.
. Smaller capacity units are expected to be directly marketed and sold to end users via the development of a dealer distribution and/or direct sales network.


. International expansion will in most cases be achieved via partnering with locally established companies having either a strong market presence or demonstrated technical ability in PURO’s field, according to the company.
. Purio believes that inter-industry joint-venture opportunities will emerge in which Purio would provide the water treatment expertise in harmony with solar companies, or methane generating companies for the purpose of turning biological waste such as livestock manure into valuable fertilizer and energy.


PURO’s patented filter-less technology provides, according to the company, the ability to achieve economies more typical of larger scale (multi-million gallon) per day process plants. To PURO’s knowledge, no other existing technology can claim this.
. Smaller capacity plants that would represent direct competition, would rely on biological or media filtration to clarify water.
. Biological systems are notoriously unreliable because of their reduced effectiveness in low temperature environments. Their operation can be disrupted as a result of shock from many common chemicals typically found in waste water such as household bleach, and antibiotics. Compared to biological systems, PURO’s process time, according to PURO, is far faster, for the equivalent production.
. Compared to media filtration PURO’s process is far less labor intensive and therefore more economical to operate, as expensive media filters require regular and constant maintenance, according to PURO. PURO’s closed system and small footprint are clear advantages over conventional systems where space is limited or land values are at a premium.
. To PURO’s knowledge there is no mechanical clarification technology developed that would represent direct and cost-effective direct competition to PURO’s.


. PURO is pursuing licensing fees for its machines
. PURO is also pursuing sales of micro units, with an expected price of $20,000, a per unit price that is reportedly 60% less than other units used for waste management or unit replacing a septic system and can be used for house hold potable water
. According to PURO, the demand for these style of units is very large in the USA, Canada and aboard

. PURO is also expected to sell water produced by its machines
. In addition, beyond one year PURO believes it can sell large units and can ‘project management’ their installation, similar to WWAT (see compare & contrast, below). WWAT has created a similar mobile unit which uses filters, membranes and chemicals and has sold 12 WorldWater Portable units for $900,000. PURO believes its roughly comparable unit (in terms of purified water output) can be sold for less per unit, and still return a large profit


WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp (WWAT.OB)

Financial summary: market cap, $262mm; accumulated deficit, $57mm; paid-in equity, $76mm; revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2007, $4.4mm; loss for the three months ended September 30, 2007; $3.8mm

. WorldWater is an international solar engineering and project management company with unique, high-powered solar electric technology and expertise, providing alternative energy solutions to a wide variety of customers in both domestic and international markets.
. Until 2002, WorldWater’s business was focused exclusively on providing developing countries with water and power solutions. Since then, the Company has placed increasing emphasis on domestic markets, principally in California, New Jersey, and their surrounding states, and is addressing the needs of residential, commercial and industrial customers, in both the public and private sectors. WWAT will continue to selectively submit proposals to various foreign governments in need of solving critical water supply and energy problems using the Company’s proprietary solar technology.

Potential Market Capitalization

. Based on the above potential revenue streams, it is possible that within 12 months PURO could be running at the rate of $4mm per quarter and have a backlog from which to project future revenue streams.
. In order to achieve significant growth PURO will need to raise capital, so assume 10% dilution, which means share outstanding would be in the range of 60mm
. If investors believe PURO can achieve a run rate of $4 per quarter, then it is possible that the market cap could approach $66mm, which is 25% of WWAT’s market cap, and the price per share of PURO could approach $1.20, given these assumptions.


Earl M. Switenky, Chairman

. As Chairman of Purio Incorporated Earl M. Switenky brings a strong educational background and impressive experience in several capacities throughout the business world to his position. Furthermore, Mr. Switenky has nearly three decades of executive management experience, and nearly a decade of expertise in the water industry as a base of knowledge.
. Upon graduating with a degree in Education from the University of Saskatchewan, Switenky demonstrated his strong entrepreneurial spirit by establishing and developing a successful full service landscaping/irrigation design and installation company for 14 years. Mr. Switenky then propelled himself in another direction, as an Instructor at Northwest Regional College (1985-1993).

. In 1993 he made another foray into the business world as President of a private, international marketing company contracted to the fine jewelry and precious metals industry. Mr. Switenky developed successful market distributors in several countries including, Canada, the continental USA, as well as Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Mr. Switenky, began his next venture - Purio, Inc. in 1999 and the company has flourished as a technology.
. Mr. Switenky is founder of Purio, as well as co-founder of UltraSafe Water Source which specializes in manufacturing, marketing and servicing water purification equipment.

Daryl R. English, President, CEO and CFO

. Daryl R. English brings both a strong educational and business background to his position. Mr. English graduated with an MBA from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario in 1996.
. After a successful career in commercial banking, Mr. English, joined a publicly- traded energy service company as V.P. and CFO. Mr. English continued to diversify his business knowledge in 1994 when he founded a communications and international business consulting company.
. Demonstrating a growing penchant for strong leadership and business development Mr. English, acted as Senior Business Consultant for a prominent international business consulting firm, where he specialized in organizational development and financial turn-around situations.

Joseph A.M. Swanson, Vice President and Chief Operations Officer.

. Joseph Swanson draws upon a deep well of business knowledge and experience gained in a variety of industries. Mr. Swanson began his professional career as an instrumental promoter of soil and water conservation, agricultural methodology and equipment. Mr. Swanson participated in the In Search of Soil Conservation Strategies in Canada forum.
. From 1980 to 1990 Swanson was also the owner of Nastec Developments Ltd. a company which was contracted with MacMillan-Bloedel offering several forestry-related services, specifically in environmental compliance issues.
. In 1990 he assumed the position of Marketing Manager for C.Brothers Ltd, a company engaged in the metal recycling industry. While at C. Brothers Ltd., Swanson was responsible for the development of sales and marketing strategies for the provinces of BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.


Natvarlal (Nat) Mistry, Chief Technical Officer

B.Sc Hons

. Mr. Nat Mistry is a graduate of University of London (UK) – Queen Mary College. Nat Mistry brings to Purio a wealth of technical expertise and experience in controls systems design and wireless communications. Nat spent 18 years with British Airways as an I.T. Consultant for planning, designing and integrating the company’s computerization of its international airline reservations system.
. Upon immigrating to Canada he was employed by Motorola until his retirement in 2007. At Motorola he was engaged in various capacities including systems design, Technical Support of wireless data networks, support for GPRS Systems, System Engineering Support for Motorola Soft Switch (MSS), and System Engineering design for IMS related products.
. Mr. Mistry is head of technical development and leads Purio in developing state-of-the-art control systems with remote control capability.

Leonard Girard Chief Science Officer


. Mr. Girard is a graduate of Concordia University in Montreal with a major in Chemistry and a minor in Biology. His career has included a Quality Control position with a major pharmaceuticals company, a management position in the water bottling industry, as well as a management position in a Canadian ozone equipment manufacturing company.
. His experience in the ozone industry has included product testing, applications research, budget development and performance consulting. Mr. Girard leads Purio in its quest for safe, economical and environmentally friendly water purification systems and methods.

IPOdesktop (ID) SAFE HARBOR STATEMENT: Statements contained in this document, including those pertaining to estimates and related plans, potential mergers and acquisitions, estimates, growth, establishing new markets, expansion into new markets and related plans other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements subject to a number of uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from statements made. ID provides no assurance as to the subject company's plans or ability to effect any planned and/or proposed actions. ID has no first-hand knowledge of management and therefore cannot comment on its capabilities, intent, resources, nor experience and makes no attempt to do so. Statistical information, dollar amounts, and market size data was provided by the subject company or its agent and related sources believed by ID to be reliable, but ID provides no assurance, and none is given, as to the accuracy and completeness of this information.

That gibberish above is MY own opinion. Go get your own!

Charts NEVER Lie.