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Re: SilverSurfer post# 231836

Wednesday, 03/04/2015 11:11:46 AM

Wednesday, March 04, 2015 11:11:46 AM

Post# of 494633
SilverSurfer -- yep, time everybody returned to using real

Rai stone on display at the Bank of Canada Currency Museum in Ottawa, Canada.
A "Rai" stone from the Pacific island of Yap. Such stones were used as currency until the 1960s. This Rai stone at the Currency Museum, Ottawa, weighs about three tons.
[ ]


by the way, since you'd be one to know -- does Eric's head start spinning in the opposite direction if the interest rate paid on cash deposits goes negative? -- or does he just pull his lower lip up over his eyebrows and start eating his face?

( )

( )


Glenn Beck & John Hagee End Time Bible Prophecies

Published on Apr 3, 2013 by MrEleutheromania [ / , ]

Honest Questions with John Hagee
Aired October 12, 2007 - 19:00:00 ET [with comments] [also at (with comments) and (with comments)]


How To Create A Universe

Published on Nov 26, 2013 by DarkMatter2525 [ / , ]

For only infinite easy payments of $7,777,777.99 you too can know God's super secret successful methods for creating your very own universe!!!

Royalty-free music used:

"Commercial" by Kevin Meylor

"God's War (Finale)" by Grégoire Lourme

Check out TheDarkMatter Store here:

Please consider supporting my work through Patreon here: [with comments]


IS OBAMA THE ANTI-CHRIST? | Biblical Analysis by John Hagee

Published on Apr 3, 2013 by thejimmyzshow [ / , ] [with comments] [also at (with comments) and (with comments)]


God Fail part 1 - God Zilla

Uploaded on Feb 25, 2009 by DarkMatter2525

Another of God's many failures. [with comments]


John Hagee - Can America Survive Until 2017?

Published on Dec 31, 2014 by JohnHagee Online [ , ]

John Hagee | (John Hagee Sermon)

John Charles Hagee (born April 12, 1940) is an American founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational Charismatic megachurch with more than 20,000 active members. Hagee is also the chief executive officer (CEO) of his non-profit corporation, Global Evangelism Television (GETV) ( ).

Hagee is the President and CEO of John Hagee Ministries, which telecasts his national radio and television ministry carried in the United States on ten television networks, including 62 high-power stations aired to more than 150 million households. He is shown on networks around the globe, including The Inspiration Network (INSP), Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), and Inspiration Now TV.John Hagee Ministries is in Canada on the Miracle Channel and CTS and can be seen in places including Africa, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Hagee is the founder and National Chairman of the Christian-Zionist organization Christians United for Israel, incorporated on February 7, 2006.

Hagee's support for Israel has brought him death threats. He has also incurred controversy for his comments based on religious beliefs regarding Islam, Catholicism, and homosexuality.

Directed by John Hagee [no comments yet; also at (with comments)], [no comments yet]


Were You There?

Published on Jun 28, 2014 by DarkMatter2525

Behold, the stupidest argument I constantly hear...

Though the behavior of the characters in this video may seem outrageously ridiculous, consider that the evidence for evolution hugely outweighs the evidence for "Ned Haggard's" guilt. Yes, creationists, you actually look more silly than the people in this video. [with (nearly 5,000) comments]


John Hagee - Homosexuality, Alternative or Abomination (1996)

Published on Jun 26, 2013 by TheVideoFaithChurch [ / , ]

For Books, DVD's and CD Messages From John Hagee Ministries go to:
For Live Services and latest info on products and events go to:

John Hagee Ministries - United States
P.O. Box 1400
San Antonio, Texas 78295-1400



Senior Pastor Cornerstone Church

Pastor John C. Hagee is the founder and Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical church with more than 20,000 active members. Pastor Hagee is founder and President of John Hagee Ministries, which telecasts his national radio and television teachings throughout America and in 249 nations worldwide.

Pastor John Hagee received his theological training from Southwestern Assemblies of God University, his Bachelor of Arts degree from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas and earned his Masters Degree from North Texas University.

Pastor Hagee has received Honorary Doctorates from Oral Roberts University, Canada Christian College, and Netanya Academic College in Israel. He is the author of 33 major books including four on the New York Times Best Seller's List. Among his works are commentary study Bibles, novels and numerous devotionals. Pastor Hagee's latest book entitled "The Power of the Prophetic Blessing" is scheduled for release by Worthy Publishing in late August of 2012.

Over the years, John Hagee Ministries has given more than $69 million toward humanitarian causes in Israel. In 2006, Dr. Hagee founded, and is the National Chairman of Christians United For Israel, a grass roots national association through which every pro—Israel Christian ministry, para-church organization, or individual in America can speak and act with one voice in support of Israel in matters related to biblical issues. Dr. Hagee gains support for this worthy cause by conducting A Night to Honor Israel in every major city in America and by organizing an annual Washington D.C.-Israel Summit where CUFI delegates have the opportunity to meet the members of congress face to face on behalf of Israel. Christians United for Israel has grown to become the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States -- with over one million members-- and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world.

Pastor Hagee and his lovely wife Diana are blessed with five children and 12 grandchildren. [comments disabled]


Sodom and Gomorrah

Published on Jan 21, 2014 by DarkMatter2525

Darkmatter2525's take on one of the most fucked up bible stories.

The Bible Reloaded Channel: ,

The Bible Reloaded videos I mentioned at the end:

A Chick Tract: Featuring DarkMatter2525
Watch the Chick Tract video linked above and notice that it even goes so far as to say that the "not hospitable" interpretation is gay propaganda. So, I actually made this cartoon this way for a reason.

Deuteronomy, Mighty Ducks 2, and Dino Sex

The Bible Reloaded- Genesis 2: "Adam, Eve, and the Karate Kid"

Excellent royalty-free music by Gregoire Lourme: [with (over 6,000) comments]


John Hagee - America, Portrait Of Paganism (7-17-94)

Published on Sep 10, 2013 by TheVideoFaithChurch [comments disabled]


Can't Have It Both Ways

Uploaded on Jul 27, 2011 by DarkMatter2525

Some people don't even realize what they believe.

If you didn't understand the end, that's okay. I realize I was being more than a bit silly and vague. Many theists have used dishonest argumentation with me, which no doubt causes them to suspect that I, too, am using dishonest argumentation (projection), which can ironically cause them to be skeptical about the wrong things. That was the point of the misdirection and subsequent alien.

I believe it is wrong to harm others. That is my opinion, which is subject to change under different circumstances. Furthermore, even my definition of "harm" is subjective. While I believe indoctrination of children is causing harm, there are religious people who see it as vitally important. Our opinions don't get to decide ultimate truth, though. So who is objectively correct? Neither of us. It isn't so simply black or white. Is it better to know a harmful truth or to believe a comforting lie? Which is moral?

If the vast majority of us agree upon what is good or bad for human beings, for all intents and purposes, that can be like objective morality, and I could see how one could justifiably call it objective, but that's not entirely accurate, and I don't wish to call it objective because that implies transcendence, which is baseless. When something is objective, it is true independent of our minds, yet our minds are a requisite of morality. For morality to be objective, you must explain how morality continues to exist if humans cease to exist.

Let's put it another way:

Morality is an emergent property. It is contingent upon there being people who are interacting. If there are no people interacting, then the property of morality is not generated. Therefore it is not a property that exists in the world or universe independent of us. So who decides what morality is? We do.

TektonTV made a response to this video which I cannot answer because he blocked me. I performed experiments on him in which I provided two types of comments: cogent rebuttal-type comments and insult-type comments. He allowed the insult-type comments, but refused to allow the comments that made good points. This speaks volumes about his motivations, does it not?

Here's a basic response to his video:

Notice his confusion with penalties and morals? He considers them separate, yet they are inextricable. A punishment that doesn't fit the crime is immoral, is it not? I'd dare say it is a crime in and of itself. Furthermore, I believe punishment is itself an immoral action that should be replaced with preventative measures, positive reinforcement, and correctional action when necessary, leading to behavioral modification. "Punishment", is either vengeance or negative reinforcement; while it can produce temporary, insincere change, it has largely failed to produce a sincere desire to be good. In other words, it's treating the symptom rather than the disease.

What he suggests is that a penalty can change, while morality cannot. Is that fair? Of course penalties DO change, which he says is because of varying social factors - which INCLUDE changes in a society's moral compass, but he conveniently omitted that piece of information. He describes it as varying penalties for an objective moral. These were written LAWS with set punishments. There weren't amendments or exceptions. They didn't give permission to become lax. Yet, over time, as society changed, it became unacceptable (immoral) to impose certain punishments on people. This is evidence that Christians have engaged in subjective moral standards.

Pretty pretty please check out my new channel!!! / [with comments]


John Hagee - The Power Of The Blessing (Dec 1989)

Published on Sep 12, 2013 by TheVideoFaithChurch [comments disabled]


If Jesus was a Conservative

Uploaded on Mar 3, 2010 by DarkMatter2525

What if Jesus was like a right-wing conservative Christian? / / /

Music by: / [with (over 4,000) comments]


John Hagee Prophecy for Tomorrow Part 1 - The Church of Jesus Christ Has Been Raptured

Published on Jan 11, 2015 by bishoptdjakes sermons [ , ]

The Church Of Jesus Christ Has Been Raptured

Original Air Date: October 5, 2014
People in America and around the world are asking, “What in the world is going on?” Listen as Pastor Hagee gives chilling details of what it will be like the day that Jesus Christ comes to rapture His church and what we need to do to prepare.

Prophecy For Tomorrow

By: Pastor John Hagee
John Hagee Ministries
Product Description
This prophetic series by Pastor Hagee is a word picture of the future as given by a radio or television broadcaster. “Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt this broadcast to tell you that the Church of Jesus Christ has been raptured!”
Are you wondering what’s about to happen in our modern world and how it’s going to affect you? The chaos is greater than ever before, and no family will be left unscathed by the constant changes.
We must be armed with the Word that tells us that no weapon formed against us will prosper. We must be expecting Christ’s return, preparing for it as if in the very last days. For no man knows the day or the hour. If you aren’t ready to leave when he comes, you won’t be going when the trumpet sounds.
This series includes the following sermons:
• 1440 - The Church of Jesus Christ Has Been Raptured
• 1441 - The Antichrist Is Here
• 1442 - Christ has Returned to Jerusalem
Availability: In Stock
Stock Number: S1440
CD $21.00
DVD $45.00

Pastor John Hagee "Prophecy for Tomorrow"

Music: "Battleaxe" by Adam Salkeld, Neil Pollard (Google Play [ ], iTunes [ ] AmazonMP3 [ ]) [with comments] [also at (with comments), partial including roughly the first half at (with comment)]


Still the Good Guys?

Published on May 12, 2013 by DarkMatter2525

What if our modern day superheroes solved problems like the God of the bible? Would they still be considered good? Why don't we need to be told that Superman, Batman, The Avengers, etc, are good, but we do need to be told that God is good? Because actions speak for themselves. If you were never told that the God of the bible is good - if those verses were omitted - would you come to that conclusion on your own? The destroyer of cities and worlds who fail to worship Him...Good?! OR is it more likely that this God is a product of a culture seeking to justify its methods and actions against other cultures?

Watch this for more wisdom than the bible ever had:

Royalty-free music used:

"A Dark Hero" by Grégoire Lourme [with (over 6,000) comments]


John Hagee Prophecy for Tomorrow Part 2 - The Antichrist Is Here

Published on Jan 11, 2015 by bishoptdjakes sermons

The Antichrist Is Here

Original Air Date: October 12, 2014
Pastor Hagee asks, “Just a few years ago, could you have even imagined this national madness?” Listen as he answers tough questions like, “Who is the Anti-Christ? When will he make his appearance? What will he do as a global dictator? As Christians, what can we do to prepare?” [with comments] [also at (with comments) and (with comment)]


Power Corrupts

Published on Aug 23, 2014 by DarkMatter2525

No mind - no matter how powerful - could ever honestly claim to be free from deception, or unknown unknowns.

Episode 2 "Where No God Treads": [below]

The problem with using the bible as "proof" of God’s existence and nature, is that even if all the events within its pages actually occurred, it could still not prove God for the simple reason this video points out: God might not be the God you think He is, or even the God He thinks He is. The most likely scenario, however, is that He is a construct of the people.

Man created God in his image.

Try to watch this video in HD if you can. It makes a huge difference.

Some critiques deserve answers. I'll do that at the bottom of this description.

This video is the pilot episode of “Power Corrupts”. Whether or not I make any more episodes, and eventually seasons, will largely be determined by you. I will consider this video’s view count, rating, and comments when making my decision to continue or not. Thanks for watching! Please share it with others if you enjoyed it.

Please sub to these excellent people:
GrapplingIgnorance: /
MeridianFrost: /

Royalty-free music used:

“Deep Atmospheres” by Mystic Crock

“Introverted” by Mystic Crock

“Ascend” by Of The I

“Maribo” by Mystic Crock

“Confused Reality” by Mystic Crock

“Grandpa’s Watch” by St. Adam

One interesting critique is that removing someone's memories will remove who they are, thereby making it pointless to test them. My response is that in our daily activities, we usually need not actually recall the memories that factored into those activities. You know the alphabet, for instance, but how well do you remember learning it, and need you recall those memories in order to read these words? This is why, in the cartoon, I leave the subconscious intact. Of course, this is entirely fictional, and as the professor said "all CURRENT memories" will be removed, so by "current" perhaps that could mean anything that would hinder the perception of godhood, like the knowledge that you're being tested.

Another interesting point is that power doesn't actually corrupt, it accentuates, makes you more of who you are. I don't really have a response to this other than "power corrupts" is a bit of a saying and in this case the semantics seem negligible, seeing as how the purpose of the test would remain intact. In either interpretation, they're trying to find out "who Yahweh really is". [with (over 8,000) comments]


John Hagee Prophecy for Tomorrow Part 3 - Christ has Returned to Jerusalem

Published on Jan 22, 2015 by God Bless You [ , ]

Published on Jan 28, 2015 by John Hagee Today 2015 [ , ]

Christ Has Returned To Jerusalem

Original Air Date: October 19, 2014
Pastor Hagee encourages us to open our Bibles and discover God’s passion…Jerusalem, the Holy City. According to God’s map, Jerusalem is the epicenter of the universe and one day He will sit on the throne in this city and establish a Kingdom that will never end. [with comments; also at (with comment)], [with comments]


Where No God Treads

Published on Oct 30, 2014 by DarkMatter2525

God will tell me, and I will tell you. All religious belief flows from that sentiment. Beware of it, for it has been used to manipulate countless people and instills unfounded assumptions of the unknowable in each of us, causing us to presuppose the very nature of our own experiences.

Episode 1 Power Corrupts: [above]
Episode 3:
I’ll be working on it!

My good friend, MeridianFrost, voiced the Professor. Check out his channel if you’re interested in commentary from an intelligent agnostic atheist perspective, one which doesn’t pull any punches: /

Royalty-free music used (in order of appearance):

“Desert Ghost” by Master of the Subway Ninjas

“Love Theme” by Daniel Bautista

“Alexey Morozov - The Arctic” by Black Angel

“Eternal Drift Through Space” by Master of the Subway Ninjas

“Awakening” by Mystic Crock

“Wizards Battle (Action)” by Grégoire Lourme

“Siberia” by Master of the Subway Ninjas

"Expanding Minds" by A Field of Blue [with comments]


The Truth about Truthology!

Published on Feb 8, 2013 by Thunderf00t [ / , ]

Video contest is now over. [with comments]


(linked in): and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following, and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and (future) following and preceding (and any future following), and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following and preceding (and any future following) and preceding and following, and preceding and following

Greensburg, KS - 5/4/07

"Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty."
from John Philpot Curran, Speech
upon the Right of Election, 1790


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